Final Fantasy XIV Amazing clothes video and new FF11 bonuses

By goukijones — August 18, 2010
Tags: bonus-content final-fantasy-xi news vidoc

Reshaping of the clothes?! Sold! And if you keep playing FF11 you get stuff.

Ok for you Jimmys out there still playing Final Fantasy XI and who intend to sill play when Final Fantasy XIV comes out there's some good news for you. When you create a character on FF14 and still have an active and connected account on FF11 you will get some flashy boots. Hermes' Shoes to be exact check it out!

Final Fantasy XIV exclusive FF11 bonus

Final Fantasy XIV exclusive FF11 bonus

BIG EXCITEMENT!! The description of the boots doesn't exactly say what they do. I would assume you move a little faster, but I don't know what anything of the FF14 lingo is yet. Here's what Square-Enix says. "Named after an elder god, all but forgotten in the modern age, these gold-tipped shoes have been crafted with the lightest of leathers, making them optimal for use by heralds and noterunners."

Also, you're FF11 monthly fee will drop from $12.95 to $7.00 as long as both accounts stay active and you aren't using a trial. The sneaky catch here is " This offer will remain in effect until January 2011"

And finally the name carry over has been explained to me. I don't like it. It's your old name and the planet you were from. So I would be Basterboi Garuda ... hmmmm that does have a nice ring to it. Maybe I should think about it. Here's how it is explained:


When prompted, upon selecting the FINAL FANTASY XI character name as the FINAL FANTASY XIV playable character name, the transferred name will be the FINAL FANTASY XI player character name + FINAL FANTASY XI world name the character resides on.

·          Example:

o         FINAL FANTASY XI Player Character Name: Destiny

o         FINAL FANTASY XI World Name: Odin


o         The resulting FINAL FANTASY XIV character name: Destiny Odin


So what about the reshaping of clothes? Oh yes, it is a reality in FF14. Imagine, you haven't got the gloves for you character in the game yet and his shirt hangs down below his hands. When you do get the gloves the shirt will resize itself and everything will fit. Amazing! One thing is for certain I'm going to be looking fly in Eorzea.

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Buy it! 32% - Rent it! 12% - Flush it! 56%

WOW! That is just... HOT SHIT!

BatRastered rated Final Fantasy XIV Buy it
Aug 18, 2010 by BatRastered


The details are insane. I just hope you don't make a huge boob elf. The details there alone will sell the game +17%! Lol!

reipuerto has not rated Final Fantasy XIV yet.
Aug 19, 2010 by reipuerto



kof2012 rated Final Fantasy XIV Buy it
Jan 22, 2011 by kof2012

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