Final Fantasy XIV pre-launch secret base *New video

By goukijones — June 30, 2010
Tags: beta final-fantasy-xiv news release-date

Everything you need to know about Final Fantasy XIV, release date, bonus content, in-game items, collector's edition, open beta phase, subscription fee, and early access to the game. *NEW open beta info

Final Fantasy XIV - Collector's Edition Ships 9/22 and the Regular Edition Ships 9/30

Final Fantasy XIV Collector's Edition will be available September 22, 2010 for $74.99. 8 days later the regular edition comes out. 

This includes a $10 credit(if you pre order from Special access to the game 8 days before everyone else.

IN-GAME ITEM – Collector’s Edition preorders will include a reward code to receive an exclusive in-game item, the Onion Helm.

EARLY ACCESS – Play 8 days prior to the release of the Windows PC Standard Edition (timing of access subject to initial server capacity).

BEHIND-THE-SCENES DVD – Get an insider look at the making of FINAL FANTASY XIV, with exclusive video content, interviews and more in this special documentary DVD.

SECURITY TOKEN – A FINAL FANTASY XIV–branded Security Token for use with your regular password.

TRAVEL JOURNAL – Record your travels in this beautifully bound journal filled with pages of never-before-seen concept art.

RIGHT OF PASSAGE – Redeem a voucher to receive your fully-personalized Right of Passage Certificate, each stamped with a unique serial number.

AMANO COVER – Special PC Collector’s Edition illustration by renowned artist Yoshitaka Amano.

FREE GAMEPLAY – Free gameplay for 30 days.

The Game and the book. Pwn!

FINAL FANTASY XIV PC Collector’s Edition pre-orders will include the Onion Helm, an exclusive in-game item which accelerates character recovery after falling in battle.

FINAL FANTASY XIV Windows PC Standard Edition pre-orders will include a pair of Garlond Goggles, an exclusive in-game item which increases the speed of skill progression.

***New Picture***

Final Fantasy XIV Collector's Edition pre-order bonus items

Final Fantasy XI bonus content

Final Fantasy XIV exclusive FF11 bonus

Final Fantasy XIV for PC will be available September 29, 2010 for $49.99. This includes a $10 credit(if you pre order from

Final Fantasy XIV for the Playstation 3 will be available March 31, 2011 for $59.99(if you pre order from

When you pre order from you get a price guarantee, if the price drop between the time you pre order and the game is release you will be refunded the difference. You can also have the game delivered the day it is released. This why I like to recommend so much Jimmy.

Final Fantasy XIV will have a $12.99 Subscription monthly fee.

Access to Eorzea is subject to certain license agreements and, after the 30-day free gameplay period, recurring subscription fees. All new game packages come with a period of free gameplay, one playable character and one non-playable retainer character (a non-playable character that provides free item storage and in-game merchant services). After the free gameplay period, the regular 30-day subscription fee will be $12.99. Each additional playable character will be $3.00 per period, with a maximum of 8 playable characters per account. Each additional retainer will cost $1.00 per period.

The game is available in these languages; English, French, German, and Japanese.

Don't know if you PC will run Final Fantasy XIV? Try this benchmark tool to test your system from Square-Enix. Click Here

Open beta start date is expected soon.

Final Fantasy XIV open beta test goes live.

I got an email from Square today and it told me to make sure I was signed up for the Final Fantasy Newsletter because information about the open beta will be coming out soon. Some Jimmy claims it's starting August 31, but he lists no source.

The email says "Get your PC up and running, because the open beta is just around the corner! To receive all the latest updates, click on VISIT SITE and register for the official FINAL FANTASY XIV newsletter. Also, make sure you check out the latest trailer in the MEDIA section."

*Update* Beta date possibly confirmed with this tweet from @FF_XIV_EN. So this is probably what is happening. Honestly though, we don't even know if that is an official twitter account. Fuck it! Irrelevant. The time has come. I can't wait. *end update*

Make sure you end up on this page and sign for the newsletter if you wanna know what's up with the Final Fantasy XIV open beta.

I just want to know if it's going to run on my machine at this point.

PRE-ORDER Final Fantasy XIV Collector's Edition NOW!!

Final Fantasy XIV

Final Fantasy XIV Gouki Box Art

124 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Aug 27, 2013

Buy it! 32% - Rent it! 12% - Flush it! 56%

Dislike the FFXIV!

BatRastered rated Final Fantasy XIV Buy it
Jun 30, 2010 by BatRastered


2 Dislikes?! WTF is going on here. This is just making me more hype.

goukijones rated Final Fantasy XIV Rent it
Jun 30, 2010 by goukijones


Looks great! I can't wait to see what they'll do for the PS3 version! That's my better one!

reipuerto has not rated Final Fantasy XIV yet.
Jun 30, 2010 by reipuerto



choke has not rated Final Fantasy XIV yet.
Jul 1, 2010 by choke

de bad shot

Final Fantasy, more like Fantasy for Faggots!

de bad shot rated Final Fantasy XIV Flush it
Jul 11, 2010 by de bad shot


I can't wait for this! A new Final Fantasy to make my kids feel unloved, and force my wife to leave me!

suc_raziel has not rated Final Fantasy XIV yet.
Jul 20, 2010 by suc_raziel


I can't get back into FFXIV not even if it comes in 3D sorry.

fnjimmy has not rated Final Fantasy XIV yet.
Jul 22, 2010 by fnjimmy


No life indeed. I can't wait!

goukijones rated Final Fantasy XIV Rent it
Aug 3, 2010 by goukijones


@Gouki Let me know how many hours you clock in on the BETA!

reipuerto has not rated Final Fantasy XIV yet.
Aug 3, 2010 by reipuerto


NVM, I still don't have a key. Fuck it. Any help?

goukijones rated Final Fantasy XIV Rent it
Aug 4, 2010 by goukijones


I dislike paying $60 bucks for the privilege of paying another $13 every month. No way I'm getting this.

BatRastered rated Final Fantasy XIV Buy it
Aug 11, 2010 by BatRastered


How can people dislike this?! It's gold!

reipuerto has not rated Final Fantasy XIV yet.
Aug 11, 2010 by reipuerto


This sucks. To much money for a game that sounds a lot like all the other mmorpgs out there. When will the series return to it's roots and go back to a massive epic story set in a medieval world with steam engines and lost tech. I miss Final Fantasy VI!!! Fuck the cyberpunk ff's and fuck the online cash hogs. I just want a good solo story with a lot of twists and turns. Final Fantasy tactics had a great story that would be awesome to revisit in a traditional Final Fantasy. Or better yet just go back to the original style and focus on story!

Aragrist has not rated Final Fantasy XIV yet.
Aug 19, 2010 by Aragrist


I'll take that leather bound journal though.

Aragrist has not rated Final Fantasy XIV yet.
Aug 19, 2010 by Aragrist


Now I'm even more pissed. The style and possible story is in 14 but I'll never get to play it cause it online! They should have made it a solo game with you controlling multiple characters like in part 6. Why is square fucking around with the series? Watch the next solo play game will take place in space or some shit and I'll never play it because those final fantasies always suck. I want them to release 15 in the same style as 14 but as an epic story driven solo player game.

Aragrist has not rated Final Fantasy XIV yet.
Aug 19, 2010 by Aragrist


I like the story with all the info for the game, but I dislike the game. Maybe people cant tell the difference so they just dislike the story lol.

I for one will not be playing this game.

Cinderkin has not rated Final Fantasy XIV yet.
Aug 27, 2010 by Cinderkin


Open beta time Jimmy! Who is down?! Gouki Guild up yo!

goukijones rated Final Fantasy XIV Rent it
Aug 27, 2010 by goukijones


FAIL!!!!!! I can't belive this shit! I've been waiting for this game for
YEARS and they've RUINED IT before it even hits the fucking stores!!!

thegooch has not rated Final Fantasy XIV yet.
Aug 31, 2010 by thegooch


Nothing is fucked man. We gotta try it out first. I'm hear a lot cool things too.

goukijones rated Final Fantasy XIV Rent it
Aug 31, 2010 by goukijones


Yeah I don't know how I feel about that article. I think it will make players more well rounded and better with the crafting system. Don't hate it until you play it. If it turns out to be a big fail they will fix it in a patch so you can grind away. Gouki Guild coming soon. I have purchased a ventrilo server for all our players to use. EE

ErikEstrada has not rated Final Fantasy XIV yet.
Sep 1, 2010 by ErikEstrada


I consider myself a die-hard Square Soft (that's right bitches, I still call them Square SOFT ;D) fan, but I'm not sure if I'll be buying this, although I may split it with my brother, who knows. The problem I have with buying it isn't the game itself, in fact the game looks amazing, (which I expect from Square Soft) it's the fact that I'm VERY rarely ever on a computer (my brother is a computer Nazi) That being said, I'm always going to prefer the old Final Fantasies, if only because I don't think Square Soft can ever top FFIX (that game is goddamn amazing), the same way I'm never going to think as highly of any Legend of Zelda game as I do of Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask (I love them both equally as though they were my own twin children).
I'm half awake right now, so if this post doesn't make any sense, I sincerely apologize. I'm merely trying to add my two cents into the pile. :]

Winterharte has not rated Final Fantasy XIV yet.
Sep 15, 2010 by Winterharte

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