Final Fantasy XIV open Beta test goes live
By goukijones —
August 31, 2010
I have submitted my application. Hurry and submit yours now. Gouki Guild team up on the same planet.
**UPDATED 9/3 1:13 pm
I have logged in and created my first character. I have not chosen a planet later. That's going to happen tonight, when I actually sit down to play.
I chose Disciple of the Hand, and I'm an alchemist. So don't pick the same exact shit if you plan to be in the Gouki Guild. Leave a message on this story and make sure your email updates are turned ON in your profile. Stay tuned Jimmy!
9/3 10:30 am
I've finally submitted my aplication for the open beta. It's a simple one click if you follow any of the "entry.ffxiv" links below it will take you to the page you need to be at. Simply click the two buttons on the bottom of both pages. Fuck Jimmy! Go to this page: Click the link at the bottom. It will take you to the application button, click that button. I will post and text and tweet the planet I get on as soon as it happens. Don't be a Jimmy!
8/31 3:18 pm
Square-Enix now allegdees that that Beta will be live sometime today. FINAL FANTASY XIV Open Beta Test Will Start on Sep. 1!
Go here to register Jimmy.
8/31 5:55pm
Just updated all of my info on the Square-Enix website. Get over there and get your shit straight. You gotta give them the serious talk about your location of residence.
8/31 12:31pm
Open Beta Postponed until further notice.
As of right now Square-Enix is updating all of their systems.
For now we can download the client installer we will need for Final Fantasy XIV.
More to come.
Access the following URL.
* The page will become accessible starting at 19:00 on Aug. 31, 2010.
Stay tuned.
New video just posted from Square-Enix.
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Aug 27, 2013