FNJimmy VS The Undertaker & backstage shenanigans @ Wrestlemania

By goukijones — November 20, 2010
Tags: blog exclusive exclusive-video fnjimmy rey-mysterio simulation smackdown-vs-raw-2011 the-undertaker wrestlemania wrestling wwe

FNJimmy makes his Wrestlemania debut. After a quick warm-up backstage against Rey Mysterio is FNJimmy A.K.A. Lost Soul ready to take on the undefeated Undertaker at Wrestlemania XXVI?

Before FNJimmy has his big match at Wrestlemania he has to arrive and walk through the back stage area of course. His out-side-the-ring clothes are amazing. While backstage though he runs into his life long Rival Rey Mysterio. After a little pushing and shoving, a backstage hardcore match begins. A perfect warm-up for FNJimmy's big match at Wrestlemania XXVI.

FNJimmy VS Rey Mysterio backstage at Wrestlemania XXVI

FNJimmy has channeled his inner wrestling soul with The Lost Soul as he is called in the game. Wrestlemania sets the stage for his debut against The Undertaker. Will FNJimmy be victorious? Or will The Undertaker become 19-0 at Wrestlemania XXVI, watch the match and find out.

The Undertaker VS FNJimmy Wrestlemania XXVI

WWE SmackDown VS Raw 2011

WWE SmackDown VS Raw 2011 Gouki Box Art

21 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Oct 26, 2010

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