"Forspoken" Demo Review

By goukijones — January 5, 2023
Tags: review

Only 1 hour of gameplay?!

You can probably explore and expand your time in this demo, but you’ll get the point after about an hour. You start with a lot of skills and stats already. So you are thrown right into the thick of it. Combat is great! I’m just mashing buttons and getting kills. All of the difficulty settings are just adjusting different minor aspects of the combat to make it more difficult for yourself. You can’t just pick easy, medium, or hard. Like with God of War I started on hard. Games like this I feel you can never get the full experience of the combat when the enemies just keel over. I didn’t die once. A little low on life a few times, but I just kept going. The world map looks great, the traversing is great. You don’t need a mount when you can run hella fast and jump and flip over every obstacle. Forspoken will be my first major game for 2023. Check me out when I steam it on January 24, 2023. Below you can watch my replay from the demo.


Forspoken Gouki Box Art

5 Stories

Release Date: Jan 24, 2023

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Verdict: Buy It


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