Full on LA Noire Review Golden Video with me [FnJimmy]

By fnjimmy — June 4, 2011
Tags: exclusive-video fnjimmy golden-video-review la-noire review

I'm going to E3. But before I will do that I will release L.A. Noire Golden Video Review. Thank you to everyone for watching my reviews.

Off the topic of my head I would say L.A. Noire is about murder. Waiting for iorilamia to challenge me on Marvel vs capcom. Packing for E3. I did play the L.A. Noire last week here is my review.

My new intro is in this video. Tell me ehat you guys think in the comments.

L.A. Noire Golden Video Review with FnJimmy

L.A. Noire

LA Noire Gouki Box Art

13 Stories

Release Date: May 17, 2011

Buy it! 50% - Rent it! 36% - Flush it! 14%

[UPDATED] Jun 4, 2011 2:52:59 PM

Jun 4, 2011 by goukijones

Nobody knows who "me" is and then they only see the boxart. Say the name of the game and leave your grill up there. Don't use the game boxart for your exclusive content. That goes for everybody, rep your stuff.


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