Community Gearbox Software Community Day 2013: My thoughts on the event and Special Thanks
By Arthvader —
September 15, 2013
Special Thanks to for sending me a PAX Prime Access code for the Gearbox Software Community Day 2013 stream.
First of all, I would like to thank Goukijones for giving me a code for the Gearbox Community Day 2013 event that went on in Dallas, Texas. With that code, I was able to watch the stream in HD, using special emoticons in the chat during the stream, and a wide variety of benefit. I enjoyed watching whatever I was able to watch (was at work til 3PM EST). I'll be going through the stream archive to watch it from the beginning. Other benefits in the Digital Bonus Pack includes:
I was excited for these skins when I was watching the Gearbox Panel during PAX PRIME and I was glad that it included three sets of SHIFT codes for these heads and skins (one for xbox360, PC/Mac, and PS3). I already redemed the Xbox 360 code, so if anyone wants the PC/MAC and PS3 codes, just let me know. Do know that these Heads and Skins can actually be found within the game (I stumbled across the heads for Axton, Kreig, and Salvador so far. Confirmed to be blue.)
On the subject of Borderlands 2, One of the new things I was that I'm excited about was the next Headhunter Pack that will come after T.K. Baha's Bloody Harvest. It seems like the headhunter packs are following a theme, as this one (hasn't been named yet) is pretty much Thanksgiving themed, with a giant turkey as it's boss. can't wait for this to come out.
It's nice to see that a game as famous as Homeworld is being given out to those who got the Digital Bonus Pack. I doubt that my computer can personally play this game, so when I do get the codes for the games (classic & HD), I'll probably give them to the one who got me access with the Digital Bonus Pack. The game does look interesting, though.
Here's the Homefront Panel (in 2 Parts, courteous of Youtuber PJthePlayer):
I went ahead and watched the stream from the beginning after it finished and I haven't found any source of information about this still. Who knows when they will reveal this new IP, but when they do, I hope that it would be just as awesome as Borderlands.
Once again, Thank you for giving me this bonus pack. What did you guys think about Gearbox Community Day 2013? What did you like about the event? Leave your thoughts in the comments down below. Don't forget to vote and share, and don't be a Jimmy!!
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