Gouki’s Top "10 Most Wanted Video Games" 2023

By goukijones — January 3, 2023
Tags: blog

No particular order, but somewhat in an order!

#10 Deadrop

The good news here is that DrDisrespect just confirmed last week that Midnight Society is working to put Deadrop on consoles with cross play. Can’t wait for more from this game.

 #9 Metal Slug Tactics

Everybody knows how I feel about tactical games. Metal Slug Tactics has been in development for over 2 years now. I hope we get some updates and release date this year.

 #8 Suicide Squad: KTJL

It’s a Rocksteady game. It’s going to be good, right? Finger’s crossed.

 #7 Hogwarts Legacy

I’m only here for the combat. The rest of looking like a GTA or RDR style Harry Potter game is just a bonus.

 #6 Forspoken

Man, I really gotta play the demo for this game. It might not even make the list.

 #5 Street Fighter 6

Hadouken! Can’t wait. Street Fighter 6 has my newest waifu in the game. Marisa. So we definitely have our eyes on this one.

 #4 The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Ok don’t tell anyone, but I never beat the first one on Switch. In the classic GoukiJones fashion I made it to Ganon’s castle, but something happened or another game came out that week. Link still standing there waiting for me to come back. Jimmy!

 #3 Final Fantasy XVI

Hey, it's a new Final Fantasy. Pray to the lords and the jesus that this game is fun. I played XV and got to the end. You know how that goes. I need more FFXII or FF7R style Final Fantasy games. But I am very hype to try this and beat it. haha.

 #2 Diablo IV

Pre-ordered! No doubt. GrrrtyGirl and I are going ham on this. Diablo IV is another game that I’m hoping is fun and we get really addicted. Need more Borderlands-esqu games in my life. Shit, we’re talking about going back to play Borderlands 2 together. Mostly so we can out score FnJimmy’s 240 days of game time.

 #1 Starfield

I used to make so much fun of Fallout 3 when I saw the game would freeze when you would shoot. I thought Oblivion looked stupid. Boy do I look like a fool. I have loved every Fallout since 3. Oblivion is one of my favorite games of all time. We have all been waiting for Starfield for some time now. I can not wait to play Fallout Oblivion in space. This is easily my number 1 game for 2023.

Thanks for reading. Let's have a great year of gaming! Good luck.


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