Harada Replies to the Community [Shut. The. Fuck. Up.]
By goukijones —
June 25, 2012
Just read through the Harada letter & let me tell you it is brilliant. Finally somebody stepping up. Above & beyond too, amazing translation. Harada has something for all of the whining & complaining Jimmys, who think they are Devs, or some sort of QC.
So I've read the Harada letter at this point in the day. I really laughed. It was a real lol. A few actually. Harada san letting out a flourish of verbal 10-hit combos to all the Jimmys out there.
"Do you know that all of the voice work for a character is not always done by just one voice actor? Using Brian as an example, the laugh you guys love so much uses the original data from Tekken 3, but the short kiai voice uses a different voice actor, and the "come on!" voice also uses a different voice actor. A lot of other characters also use different voice actors for the spoken lines and for the shouts."
Totally makes sense to me. They are creating a character and maybe wanted him to sound a certain way depending on what he is doing.Well it just so happens that 3 different voice actors is what it took to make Brian. WTF is a Brian?
Harada is directly speaking to somebody in this letter. It's personal and he completely channel all of his anger and hate into one place.
"The playback program is different, as well as the sound effects added; reverb and 5.1 are examples of this. The comrpression rate, as well as the sound rate, is different today. Are you playing games on the same TV you used 16 years ago? What about your speakers? Headphones? They are all the same as 16 years ago? I wonder if it will sound like the same voice as 16 years ago, even with that data."
Huh? Well? Stupid, is it? Is it the same? You still got those head phones your dad let you use that were 10x the size of your dome and he kept in a giant plastic case? Yeah I didn't think so. Sold them to some other nuab on eBay.
"I have even complied to the requests of you all spamming me to "bring back characters" from previous installments. You often say, "let's show the dev team how sincere we are by buying 2 copies if they bring back character X", but did you really go through with it? Expecting you to at least pre-order the game, I was met with more spam, after you apparently didn't notice that Jun and Michelle actually return."
Now Harada san is talking to some Jimmy specifically about not even paying attention to some Jun and Michelle info released. Plus talking mad shit about buying 2 copies and not even pre-ordering. Wow. The English translation of this is amazing.
The image above was from the last know place we saw a peaceful Harada san. Jimmys are on notice, don't try to talk no shit about "bringing back" any characters at EVO. Harada gonna give you the chop.
I wonder if we will even see Tekken Tag 2 at EVO now. It was at E3, so probably. What's Capcom gonna show? Ono isn't going to be at EVO this year. Maybe Harada will skip it too. He definitely sounds like he needs to some down time.
Shout out to Harada san, always giving me a high five when I see him. Oh and for telling these Jimmys to shut the fuck up. Vote, Comment and Share. Don't be a Jimmy!
Release Date:
Sep 11, 2012