Just Dance 2, MOH, Duke Nukem Early Access, deals and DLC mania

By goukijones — October 11, 2010
Tags: deals-jimmy news on-sale trade-in

Super cool FREE sunglasses with Just Dance 2. Medal of Honor Limited Edition DLC. Fallout New Vegas Exclusive DLC and the Fable III controller comes with DLC too. $10 and $20 coupons and Halo Reach trade-in for $39? Borderlands GOTY. Wow.

Get it on October 12, 2010

Medal of Honor Limited Edition - Includes an early access code to Battlefield 3 beta.

Medal of Honor limited edition

Amazon $59.99 - $20 coupon on a future purchase

Buy.com $57.99 free shipping

Newegg.com $59.99 free shipping

Included in the Limited Edition from all retailers:

*MP7 – Exclusively in the Limited Edition, is a weapon utilized by Tier 1 Operators in the field. With its light weight, high rate of fire as well as its ability to penetrate body armor, the MP7 handles like a pistol yet allows targets to be engaged like a rifle.
*TOZ194 and 870MCS Shotguns – Get instant access to these two devastating shotguns for close quarters combat.
*Exclusive Special Ops Skin – Change your look on the battlefield to prepare for any engagement that comes your way.

EBGames and Gamestop - $59.99 (plus shipping)

EBGames and Gamestop say you get an exclusive DLC in this video below, but the Exclusive M60 machine gun is not listed on the site. The video does say pre-order so heads up. 

Just Dance 2

Just Dance 2

Amazon $39.99 - $10 coupon on a future purchase. Bonus "Also get your Just Dance 2 sunglasses free. One pair of glasses will be packed into each game box, colors may vary." RANDOM: [on] | off - Heard.

Just Dance 2 sunglasses

Newegg.com $36.99 free shipping

Buy.com $38.99 free shipping

Borderlands Game of the Year Edition - 4 Jimmy Gem nominations and Gouki.com Editor's Choice

Borderlands Game of the Year edtion

The Borderlands Game of the Year Edition comes with ALL of the DLC (4 total: Zombie island of Dr Ned, Mad Moxxi's Underdome, Secret Armory of General Knoxx, and Claptrap's new Robot Revolution)

Plus you will also get access to the Duke Nukem Forever demo early.

Amazon $59.82 free shipping

Buy.com $56.99 free shipping

Borderlands [Hardcover] Game of the Year Signature Series Strategy Guide

Borderlands Guide

Amazon $19.79 free shipping

Buy.com $19.99 (plus shipping)

Other Games released on October 12, 2010

Lucha Libre AAA: Heroes of the Ring [catalog entry] - $59.99 free shipping with $10 coupon from Amazon or $57.99 free shipping from Buy.com

Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes [catalog entry] - $39.99 free shipping from Amazon or $38.99 free shipping from Buy.com

This video gave me the lolz.

Get it on October 19, 2010

Fallout New Vegas

Amazon  $59.99 - $10 coupon on a future purchase. Bonus DLC "Pre-order Fallout New Vegas and get in-game exclusives, Tribal Raiding Armor and Broad Machete."

Amazon.com has release date delivery. Get in on October 19, 2010 for only $0.99

Fallout New Vegas tribal dlc pack

EBGames and Gamestop $59.99 - Bouns DLC:

*Armored Vault 13 Suit - Extensively patched up and dotted with piecemeal armor, this outfit is an homage to the classic ending of the original Fallout.

*Vault 13 Canteen - This handy device is useful for staving off dehydration and providing a small amount of healing in the Mojave Wasteland.

*Weathered 10mm Pistol - A well-worn 10mm pistol that packs an extra punch despite its modest size.

*5 Stimpaks - Food and water are good for long-term healing, but when the fighting is fierce, Stimpaks help keep Wastelanders upright.

Fallout New Vegas classic dlc pack

Vanquish [catalog page]

EBGames and Gamestop - $59.99 includes bonus DLC

Exclusive 3-weapon download pack:

Boost Machine Gun - This weapon is capable of shooting machine-gun bullets at the speed of an assault rifle and has proven itself effective against the machine infantry.
Laser Cannon - A miniaturized space-warship laser cannon. It outpowers any other weapon available for foot soldiers.
Anti-Armor Pistol - This prototype of the anti-armor gun was manufactured to tackle stronger armor which hostile forces were likely to create in the future.

Buy.com $58.99 free shipping

Get it on October 26, 2010

Star Wars The Force Unleashed

Amazon $59.99 - $10 coupon on a future purchase. Bonus DLC "Additionally, with your order of the Xbox 360 or PS3 edition, you'll receive a code to access two exclusive challenge levels - The Trial of Dagobah and Defending "The Core" Trial."

Amazon.com has release date delivery. Get in on October 26, 2010 for only $0.99

Star Wars the Force Unleashed II CE

Buy.com $57.99 free shipping

Fable III

Amazon $59.99  - $20 coupon on a future purchase. Bonus DLC ""Pre-order Bonus Offer--Design Your Own Character: Pre-order Fable III and Amazon.com will provide you with a code to see a villager you've created come to life in the game. Start designing your character today at www.xbox.com/fable3 and we'll send you a code within 10 days before the game releases.

Amazon.com has release date delivery. Get in on October 26, 2010 for only $0.99

Buy.com $54.99 free shipping. Same bonus DLC as Amazon.

Collector's Edition - $79.99 free shipping from Amazon

Fable III CE

Xbox 360 Branded Fable 3 Controller - $59.05 free shipping from Amazon. Comes with Exclusive DLC.

Rent Games

Gamefly starts at $5.95

Blockbuster games starts at $8.99

Trade-in Games

Amazon.com will pay for the shipping. Certain games will get a high trade-in value, all you gotta do is get a box. That's easy though, if you're already ordering stuff from Amazon.com. Just use the boxes they've sent you already. Print the free shipping label. Stuff your game inside the box and ship it out. You can request the UPS driver to come to your home and pick it up. Save on gas.

Halo Reach with a trade-in value of $39.00 plus the $20 coupon you got for buying Halo Reach from Amazon, you could get Fallout New Vegas the day it comes out for $1.98. Stolen! Don't pay full price for video games.

See what your video games are worth.


Borderlands Gouki Box Art

Jimmy seal of approval Jimmy Gem Winner

37 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Oct 20, 2009

Buy it! 82% - Rent it! 18% - Flush it! 0%

Wait... There was a Just Dance 1?

Batrastered has not rated Borderlands yet.
Oct 11, 2010 by Batrastered


Deals Jimmy! Deals!

@Bat I think it was on the Wii or something.

Cinderkin rated Borderlands Rent it
Oct 12, 2010 by Cinderkin


I never heard of giving glasses for buying a game. Im going to have to buy a wii game for some glasses now =)

GreenFire999 has not rated Borderlands yet.
Oct 17, 2010 by GreenFire999


The first word of any of these Deals stories should be DEALS! Leading off the headline with Just Dance 2 is not the way to get clicks.


choke has not rated Borderlands yet.
Oct 19, 2010 by choke


i want a fable control

kof2012 rated Borderlands Buy it
Jan 22, 2011 by kof2012


Fable control +
the sunglasses = wtf, the ones with the Matrix pre-order on the PS2 were better yay technology. Fuckin Jimmys

DragonKiss83 rated Borderlands Buy it
Feb 28, 2011 by DragonKiss83

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