Learn all you need to know about Street Fighter X Tekken

By goukijones — February 15, 2012
Tags: blog

A short video from Capcom Europe shows off a lot of how the online will work. 2v2 same time fighting! Also FingerCramp posted a video of how the gems work positive/negative features. Debunks overpowered pre-order gems myth. MaxiMilian explains stuff.

Ono is hilarious right? Harrada isn't that bad either. Biggest feature shown here for me, the 2v2 online battle. Should be very interesting.

Get it straight with the gem alright. They gonna be in tournaments. Everyone should learn how to use them and deal with it. They are part of the game and I truly believe it will my make set of gems VS your set of gems very interesting.

Max sharing some pro tips to get you ready before you even come close to Street Fighter X Tekken. His praise for the uniqueness of the Tekken characters has me maybe wanted to use them. Who am I kidding? Its gonna be Hugo and King out of the gate.

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Street Fighter X Tekken

SFxT Gouki Box Art

74 Stories

Release Date: Mar 6, 2012

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