"Microsoft" Dev Direct & "Starfield" Update

By goukijones — January 11, 2023
Tags: news

Starfield status: unknown.

Microsoft is dedicated a whole show to new games coming out this year. Unfortunately the game coming out that everyone wants to see the most, Starfield, is not on the list. Here’s what we’ll see at the Microsoft Developer Direct on January 25, 2023 at NOON.

Now maybe there will be a few surprises for this show, maybe not. One thing for sure is that there will be no Starfield. According to Bethesda with a follow up tweet to this original tweet, Starfield will be getting its own special. 

Sad there is still now release date for Starfield. It was supposed to come out in 2022. Then it was the first quarter of 2023. Now we’re in limbo. There is still no more information than ‘coming soon.’ Will we get Refall before we Starfield at this point? C’mon man! You’re killing me!


Starfield 2021 Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Sep 6, 2023

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