ModNation Racers review (beta)

By goukijones — January 11, 2010
Tags: beta exclusive modnation-racers pictures ps3-exclusive review video

Yes yes, this is a review of the ModNation Racers beta. Videos, pictures of the game and my opinion. If you're a fan of Mario Kart 64 oh boy Jimmy!

ModNation Racers had me pumped and screaming at the TV. Everything about the racing reminds me of Mario Kart 64. Mario Kart 64 was my favorite kart racing game of all time. I still have my original copy of the game with all of MY records. Choke/Peach suck. Now ModNation Racer isn't an exact clone, but it's real close. There's some racing enhancements, like the shield which is a great idea. You have to know the timing with the shield for all the different weapons so you can deflect them. There's also a straight up turbo that you build the meter up by drifting, doing other tricks, or using a weapon on another racer. Something else that is different from Mario Kart 64 is that you can boost while your drifting. Turbo while drifting really gets your kart going fast and my heart even faster. I thought was a great idea. Check out this video of my finishing in 1st place, Number 1 in the World!

Modnation Racer 1st place

I finished the beta with about 2800 experience points and was rated 5 stars "Phenom" so I got a good fill of the racing. Totally loving the racing! I would just load up MNR and work on the computer until the race started. Sometimes I was waiting up 10 minutes to get into a race. That didn't bother me though. Never lagged out of a race. I wish at the very beginning of the game (especially after the first time I loaded the game up) that it would skip all of the intros and load right into the Modspot. The last couple of days I played, as soon as the Modspot loaded up I went right into experience races. On average there was at least 7 people in the same race. 4-12 spots.

"I'm not cheating asshole! I have the level 3 green speed boost it does a warp." The noobs, the screaming kids and obnoxious voices were the worst thing about the game. I couldn't find the mute button. There's got to be more weapons in the final version, there was only four I think in the beta. I have an idea for one, how about a slingshot. It grabs the closest kart to you, stops him/her and slingshots you passed them. Level 2 would just have a further reach and level three forces all the kart to go backwards for 3 seconds except yours.

The creation station is extremely brilliant I saw some incredible designs! Basically you will have the tools to create anything you want.

I created how I envision my self in the virtual world "GoukiJones."

Gouki Modnation Racer mod

Also the mascot Jimmy!

Jimmy Modnation Racer mod

Of course I made a couple of different karts too, but this was my coolest one.

Modnation Racer car mod

The beta didn't offer much to choose from, but the final version looks like its going to have loads ... thats what she said. What the other users were creating just with the beta version was incredible. You know Mario Kart track clones are going to pop up, I can't wait to see Yoshi's Valley.

ModNation Racer beta video

***SCREEN BURNS*** Warning ModNation Racer has been burning my TV screen. Nothing like this has happened to me in years. None of my ModNation Racer sessions were that long. I've played Halo 3 and Final Fantasy for days and days and never got a burn. I can still see the "?" from the loading screen. WTF is up with that? I hope this is not going to be a serious issue for people.

***HACKERS/CHEATS*** Hacking and or cheating was definitely not being addressed during the beta. Bigwoopmagazine, which is a horrible site by the way had the fastest lap on one track of -00.00.333. Come on now! Stuff like that needs banishment immediately.

***GLITCHES*** I didn't see anything that really stood out. I got this crazy rocket on video that kept chasing me through the entire race. The rocket finally hits me and then another comes from out of nowhere and chases me down again. Another time I did a speed boost and hit a wall, but ended up being stuck in the wall and having to use select to reset my kart.

Modnation Racer Rocket glitch

The ModNation Racers beta was awesome! This is for sure a day one purchase and pwnfest! Pre-ordered! I had an excellent time with the racing and I loved the thrill of the finishes. Don't change a thing. The steering and drifting with the turbo was spot on, let people change their buttons and for Christ sake let me shut off the music. But don't worry about tweaking the steering or make a turn wider or thinner. Learn how to race Jimmy! I'll see you online when ModNation Racers comes out! Don't be a Jimmy!

Pre-order ModNation Racers for $56.99 right now!

ModNation Racers

ModNation Racers

12 Stories

Release Date: May 25, 2010

Buy it! 17% - Rent it! 50% - Flush it! 33%

Verdict: Buy It


I'll update soon and make sure all of the videos are HD.

goukijones rated ModNation Racers Buy it
Jan 11, 2010 by goukijones


Really cool Gouki! I do need a new racer than Ridge Racer 7 for the PS triple three!

reipuerto has not rated ModNation Racers yet.
Jan 11, 2010 by reipuerto

Crimson Relic

::waits for a PS3 to fall from the sky::

Crimson Relic has not rated ModNation Racers yet.
Jan 12, 2010 by Crimson Relic


I've been having weird burn-in issues with my copy of Madden 09 for PS3 on HDMI, even though I wasn't playing for more than like an hour. Nothing else ever did it, but I can still see my Madden IQ in the lower-right corner of the screen.

jalexbrown has not rated ModNation Racers yet.
Jan 12, 2010 by jalexbrown



goukijones rated ModNation Racers Buy it
Mar 17, 2010 by goukijones


The fact that I had to create an account on here to defend myself from your accusations is irritating to say the list, but at least it was simple to create one. I am not a cheater. What you reviewed is a beta, and first and foremost with any beta, it is full of glitches, and is simply meant as a large scale test of the systems. Thus, any so called "cheating, hacking, glitching" or whatever else, is certainly not terms for banishment at all. If anything, it is good, because it shows that there are errors and issues that need to be addressed before the full game is released. Also, by writing this review, you have broken the Beta user agreement. Not that any one cares. If you participated in the beta, you should have had access to the Beta Forums, where errors such as this could be reported - I reported that glitch immediately, which if they were still open, I'd tell you to look it up. I really have no idea how I acquired that lap time, and it made the rest of my beta experience really annoying, since other racers always noticed it while in the lobby. So, for the record, it was a glitch, and there were numerous other ones, like rockets getting stuck to the rear of my cart, clipping out of the track (falling through), getting booted off the network consistently, weapons dissapering from inventory, etc, etc. And yea, I just broke the user agreement too, but its 4 months later, so whatever. Before you go dissing me publicly on the internet again, do your research.

BigWoopMagazine has not rated ModNation Racers yet.
May 6, 2010 by BigWoopMagazine


oh, and that website isn't mine, its a coincidence, and I don't know how to delete those empty posts I accidentally made, sorry.

BigWoopMagazine has not rated ModNation Racers yet.
May 6, 2010 by BigWoopMagazine


It's cool Big Woop. I'll see you online. Welcome to

goukijones rated ModNation Racers Buy it
May 11, 2010 by goukijones


We fixed up your profile a lil so you're not looking like a Jimmy. How about you update your gavatar. Want me to send you my face from the ModNation Racers beta?

goukijones rated ModNation Racers Buy it
May 11, 2010 by goukijones

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