PAX 2012 Blithering Blathering Full-on Version Day 1

By goukijones — August 31, 2012
Tags: blithering-blathering blog pax-2012

PAX is a very unique Convention. Press/media are treated very nice. We played everything we really wanted to see today. Except ...

Still waiting to play Sim City ...

There was a secret entrance for the press this year. Nobody told the press. It was ridiculous. I don't know if some of this stuff is a joke or not. All the booths are super nice to the press, telling them to come at a certain, just to parade them past people who have been waiting for hours to play. Well that's 3 less spots in the room because Team Gouki is here. Before I get into Borderlands and XCOM, we played Aliens: Colonial Marines for the second time this year. Again we played against Gearbox employees. Pro status Jimmys. Again we were destroyed by Gearbox.

I thought I could sneak through another hall way off to the left, heading toward the objective points. I turned a corner and saw a Xenomorph hanging from the ceiling. Before I could even move, it shot down on top of me and I was dead. FnJimmy was now where to be seen. The Aliens is looking real good, looks amazing on PC.

Once we were done with that, the plan was to head to the next all and check out the 2K booth. On the way we passed the Halo 4 with 0 line. Before 10AM the public is not allowed. 18-3 against a Complexity team member, he had the shirt on. I was loving every second of that, just because I was doing all the PWNn. I was getting double and triple kills with the ghost. Stealing flags, protecting flags. I love every second of that. I'm FU27.

Saw Markman and that loud talking English guy in the Mad Catz booth. It didn't appear that Mad Catz had the new silent stick on hand. We moved on.

This was 1 of the most exciting mornings of gaming I've ever had. Better than some of the BEST PWNfests I used to have back in the day. We visited Capcom next and got to play Resident Evil 6. This was the first time we were paraded past the entire line of Jimmys waiting to play. BatRastered went first, Then FnJimmy and finally myself. It's pretty intense knowing there's like 30 people watching behind you -who just saw you got the line- and you're trying to not look like a nuab. It wasn't long before I was completely out of ammo and just using the knife. I really didn't care at this point and I was trying get killed so I had an excuse to get out of there. Then I came around a corner and there was giant monster. I died. I ducked out. BatRastered was still playing. So was FnJimmy. I watched FnJimmy play for like 5 more minutes, until he was out of ammo. I tapped him and told him to cut this shit. Fuckin' BatRastered is still playing! This is his favorite game, he's hooked. I send Jimmy in to tap BatRastered. We needed to get the fuck out of there. Hot as balls.

Borderlands 2 time. We met Erik Robertson a former San Diego Charger who looked just like Salvador. We did the whole hello and business card exchange thing. A few minutes later we were paradaed past the line of Jimmys once again and this time we were heckled. Boo's and hiss'd. :( I just walked really fast and then stared at the wall until we where allowed to go in.

Borderlands 2 looks amazing. The Xbox Version looks horrible. This game is going to be super popular. SUPER. I don't know what else to say. I used Zero for the first time and I hated every second. I don't like the sniping in Borderlands. I couldn't grasp what Zero's power was, I would turn invisible and a shadow version of me would rush out to locked on enemies and do what? I don't know, I couldn't figure out what good that was. I put all my points into the sniping tree, I was blowing heads off from across the map, but my CQC gameplay was terrible and not fun. I wasn't compensating for that at all.

Next up, XCOM. Something I've super excited about for a very long time. First, paraded past all of the Jimmys in line for a third time. :( We were then shown the same exact demo, with the same exact speech. Shout outs to our boy Peter Murray for giving that speech for the last six months. Pro. I told him after, that I could give that speech, I'd seen it so many times myself.

Finally the doors opened and we were released to the demo stations. I was skipping every cut scene I could and trying to advance through the training as fast as I can. I knew we were on a time limit. Highlights: Upgrading the base. Gonna be very exciting. After the first base I was asked which base would I like to land at. America or England. The both had different buffs for building. America was like +air, so building ari units were better there. England increase the rate of learning ot something. I'm getting a little tired. After both missions I got new pods to attach to the existing base. October 9, 2012. Get it!

Later on after lunch we got to see our first independent game of Pax 2012. Bust N Rush. Bust in rush is a infinite running game. You just keep running down a hall that is constantly generating new puzzles and quests. All the while speeding up and getting crazier and crazier. I loved every second of and I think it would be a great go to game to relieve some stress fast. Super fast. Google it!

We were pretty wiped out at this point. I tweeted this picture.

Finally we got to see DisHonored. Another Bethesda game that I am super hyped about. I played a good 30 minutes of it today. I tried to play stealth. I possed a fish to sneak into my first objective. I climbed to the top of a building some relic. Knocked a few Jimettes out with some sleep darts and try to take out a few guards, but they caught on set off the alarm. This game seems to be very large in scale of what you can do and what options you have to excute any objective. The map was pretty huge too. There was a lot of loading though. Imagine BioShock, but with no water and no rooftops mixed with a little bit of Borderlands building climbing. I love all that shit. DisHonored is on the top of my list today. Tied with XCOM. ;-)

Write a story about PAX and win some swag. Vote, Comment and Share. Don't be a Jimmy!

*Haven't really read over this. Wrote this fast, tired and drunk. Please enjoy and leave me a comment. 


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Aug 31, 2012 by SpeedBrkr


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Arthvader rated Dishonored Buy it
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dragonkiss83 has not rated Dishonored yet.
Sep 1, 2012 by dragonkiss83

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