Pre-order Tera, play in all 5 closed betas & keep your stats

By goukijones — February 2, 2012
Tags: beta early-access news

Pro-order Tera (any version) get access to all 5 CLOSED BETAS, keep your character stats and play with Team Gouki to take over the world. Tera is a PC MMO coming out in May.

We played Tera back at PAX last year. FnJimmy played Tera and that should have shocked you. The fact that he said he enjoyed it and would be interested in playing should have BLOWN YOUR SOCKS OFF! You can check out our First Impressions of Tera from Pax

We're trying to create hype for Tera. Personally I'm very interested in starting up another MMO. Some of you may be aware that we skipped SWTOR. It just seemed old at one point, I mean we played it 3 years ago at E3. When it was finally released, I didn't want to hear about it at all anymore. I returned it. 

So if you want to play Tera let me know. If you pre-order now you can get into all the betas and join up with us, Team Gouki. Here's the press release.

From En Masse

We're proud to announce that TERA is now available for pre-order on the En Masse Entertainment store! Pre-ordering will grant access to all of TERA's five closed beta tests and allow players to retain their characters and their progress for the duration of the closed beta period from February to April. Interested in learning more about the beta tests? Check out TERA's beta test schedule!

Pre-ordering from the En Masse Entertainment store also rewards players with the White Stallion, a unique mount, in addition to a level 10 City Wheel Earring, a level 35 Seren's Sand Ring, the ability to create a character and reserve its name before launch, and access to the exclusive Head Start play period over the weekend prior to TERA's launch on May 1.

In addition to a standard edition, TERA will be available in two collector's editions as well —a traditional boxed edition and a digital download. Both will grant players unique in-game items, including the Regal Frostlion Mount for in-game mounted travel, and two equippable items: the level 15 Velik's Bloodstone Necklace and the level 40 Shakan's Bloodstone Necklace.

Available in limited quantities, the physical Limited Collector's Edition will include collectable items such as a Letter of Marque, a canvas world map, a field guide, a Valkyon Federation-issued compass, and a game soundtrack. All versions of TERA include 30 days of game time. Also, players who subscribe to TERA for three, six, or twelve month intervals will receive inaugural pricing. These reduced rates won't be available after May 1 when subscriptions begin so lock yours in before it's too late!

TERA can also be pre-ordered from major retailers including Best Buy, GameStop, Walmart, Target, and Amazon. Visit our pre-order page for more details.

We look forward to seeing you in TERA's first closed beta test starting February 10!

MMO-FO? lol

Castanic Race

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Tera Gouki Box Art

4 Stories

Release Date: May 1, 2012

Buy it! 0% - Rent it! 100% - Flush it! 0%

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Being able to keep shit from the Betas sounds like a smart move. If only I were into PC games.

dragonkiss83 rated Tera Rent it
Feb 10, 2012 by dragonkiss83

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