SFxT LIVE Show Stream Highlights - FnJimmy is terrible.

By goukijones — April 7, 2012
Tags: batrastered choke fnjimmy goukijones live-stream-highlights video

April 6th 2012 will go down in history has one of the most intense nights in our brief Street Fighter X Tekken history. Check out these 3 clips from that PWNn evening. Don't be a Jimmy!

The most brilliant match of the night comes real early in the tournament. FnJimmy is on a rampage. BatRastered gives him credit for not losing in scramble battles. Then GoukiJones and Choke rail them both with a 50 hit combo. FnJimmy says his best line ever in his entire life. "The G is for gook."

FnJimmy doesn't block. He has no idea how SFxT works. He's terrible at video games. Choke calls out GoukiJones for losing his mind. Team Tossas pull it out at the end. 

It's gotten way out of control at this point. The final match in the Scramble tournament at FnJimmy loses his mind. GoukiJones hits 2 unblocked supers. BatRastered yells out homoerotic slurs. Choke applauds while FnJimmy will be leaving a loser once again. Don't be a Jimmy! Inchiban suki.

That's the quality right now Jimmys. If I speed up the computer it will slow down the video. We need more bandwidth. We're working on that. Call Spooky, I know. Please ... Vote, Comment & Share! Thanks for watching.

Street Fighter X Tekken

SFxT Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Mar 6, 2012

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Just finished watching all the vids, and I've got to say, really funny moments here.

Arthvader rated Street Fighter X Tekken Buy it
Apr 7, 2012 by Arthvader


Goukijones just can't handle me at sf x t. I'm the best in the world.

Fnjimmy has not rated Street Fighter X Tekken yet.
Apr 7, 2012 by Fnjimmy


@FnJimmy There is video proof above. You can not win.

goukijones rated Street Fighter X Tekken Rent it
Apr 7, 2012 by goukijones


Still haven't tried this out, but you guys are making it look fun.

dragonkiss83 rated Street Fighter X Tekken Rent it
Apr 11, 2012 by dragonkiss83


I love Rolento (me) jumping up at the very end of the last clip, Lili kicks the shit out of jimmy in the air to finish the match, Rolento not wanting to waste his knife simply puts it back into his pocket for another day.

choke has not rated Street Fighter X Tekken yet.
Apr 12, 2012 by choke

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