SSF4 AE Changes to Blanka, Abel, Gen, Makoto.

By Cinderkin — November 22, 2010
Tags: japanese-translation news ssf4-ae super-street-fighter-iv-arcade-edition

The latest Japanese Super Street Fighter 4 development blog listing changes for old cast members has been posted. This week's entry focuses on Blanka, Abel, Gen and Makoto.


Unique Attacks

• Rock Crusher (Toward + Medium Punch) has less recovery. Rock Crusher, into Far Standing Light Punch into Beast Roll is possible now.

• Beast Slide (Down-Toward + Hard Punch) has less active frames, as a result the whole animation time is shorter. Also, his hittable box during the recovery of this move has been increased.

• His Forward Hop (Toward + 3x Kick) has more grounded frames of animation during start up, making him easier to grab out of it.

Special Moves

• The hittable box of his Beast Roll has been widened in size while rolling around, and the distance traveled after having it blocked has been altered. Distance on recovery from a blocked Beast Roll is now Light Punch and EX longest. Medium Punch, midlength, Hard Punch, shortest. So it is necessary to plan which one to use at which distance more so than it is now.

• EX Backstep Rolling's (Rainbow Ball) forward distance has been reduced a little, so it's harder to escape from the corner. It is still possible to move forward and back based on joystick movement, though.

• EX Electricity has much faster start up now, so it's easier to use.


• 2nd hit of Abel's Crouching Hard Punch has a smaller hitbox, both upward and downward.

• Tornado Throw damage reduced.

• Roll lost some of its hit invincibility at the end of it, making it easier to punish. There was no change to the recovery frames.

• Ultra 1 had a 10% damage reduction. Ultra 1's new damage would range from 309-450. In SSF4 it was 343-500.

• Ultra 2 10% damage reduction, slower startup, super armor gets removed when Abel starts to run forward and there's a longer recovery time when you cancel out of it. New damage totals for Ultra 2 should range from 295-440. In SSF4 these were 328-480.


Mantis Style

• Two Target Combos have been added in. 1st: Crouching Light Kick into Crouching Medium Kick. 2nd: First hit of Standing Hard Punch into Standing Medium Kick.

• Both Medium Kicks can be Canceled now, so go for more damage by Canceling into his Specials.

• Standing Light Punch's hittable box from his elbow and onward has been deleted, so it's harder to get hit out of now.

• Crouching Medium Punch's start up is faster, so it's possible to Link from Standing Light Punch and Crouching Light Punch.

• Crouching Medium Punch can now be Canceled, providing good setups into his Hands special on hit or block.

• Standing Hard Kick's range slightly increased. There is no hittable box from his ankle, so it might be useful as a footsie tool.

• Ultra 2 downward hitbox improved, so it has less chance to whiff.

Other Stuff

• Traveling speed for Crane Style's Ultra 2 is faster, making it easier to connect with now.

• During backdash, he's airborne right after invincibility wears out.

• Gen received no nerfs.


Normal Moves

• Crouching Light Kick has more range.

• Standing Light Kick is Kara Cancelable during its start up animation. The Kara Karakusa is possible again.

• Crouching Hard Kick hit box extended out in front of Makoto, and the hittable box has been lowered slightly, making it easier to use as an anti air.

• Crouching Hard Punch has slightly more active frames.

• Toward + Light Punch has a 3 frame startup (formerly 4 frames).

Special Moves

• EX Hayate (Dash Punch) now breaks armor and has a slightly faster start up.

• Opponent can no longer do a quick get up after Makoto connects with a Hard Punch or EX Oroshi (Overhead Chop). It's more useful now in resets and wake up situations.

• Fukiage (Upwards Punch) when Makoto's arm is fully extended, the hittable box from her chest up has been almost completely removed. Downward attack box has been extended as well, so there are now almost no situations where it trades or is stuffed. It still can't hit grounded opponents, though. The start up for all versions has been improved so it's more useful than it is now.

• EX Tsurugi (Axe Kick) is now like Cammy's EX Cannon Strike, in that it can be done very low to the ground, i.e. an Instant Axe Kick. It takes practice, but since it is a 2-hit special that makes grabs whiff and hits as an overhead, it'll be more interesting to use in offensive/defensive situations.

• Ultra 1 damage distribution has been changed. It still does the same total damage, but you will see the difference during combo damage and damage scaling based on life left. Apparently, this should result in it doing more damage.

• Ultra 2 has a faster startup time making it easier to counter Fireballs with.

Other Stuff

• Makoto's stamina is now 1,000, which is the average stamina rating in the game.

• Forward and back dash are faster, total animation frames were decreased.

• Now a combo such as a Level 1 Hard Punch Hayate (Dash Punch), Focus Attacl Dash Cancel, Crouching Light Kick (and other stuff) into Light Punch Hayate is possible, because of the changes to her Dash speed. Mixing this in with her Grab and Choke (Karakusa) makes this a powerful grab or hit tool.

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Abel nerfed... hooray!

BatRastered rated Super Street Fighter IV Buy it
Nov 22, 2010 by BatRastered


Abel is really strong. I keep getting my ass handed to me by his command grab.

cinderkin has not rated Super Street Fighter IV yet.
Nov 25, 2010 by cinderkin


yay for makoto buffs but don't think it will be enough.....

hopes the abel bandwagon population goes down because of this.

shenwoopunch rated Super Street Fighter IV Rent it
Dec 7, 2010 by shenwoopunch


abel nerf, poor juicebox

iorilamia rated Super Street Fighter IV Buy it
Dec 7, 2010 by iorilamia


abel throws are awsome

kof2012 rated Super Street Fighter IV Buy it
Jan 13, 2011 by kof2012


Gen buffed, see you guys on the leaderboards!

Phresh has not rated Super Street Fighter IV yet.
May 4, 2011 by Phresh

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