Star Wars Battlefront 2 Beta Highlights and Thoughts
By goukijones —
October 11, 2017
This is a review of my time with the beta.
This is one of the most beautiful games I’ve ever seen. The sound effects are spot on and the entire presentation gives you a good feel of Star Wars. I’m trying to say a few nice things before I absolutely rip into this game. The shooting is fun, I didn’t play Battlefield 1, I wish had. But in Battlefront 2 it definitely reminds me of old Battlefield games. If you’re not aware of the zone and game type and where your enemies are, you’re going to die without even knowing wtf happened to you.
Let’s get this part of the issue out of the way. There are loot crates in this game. The loot crates have upgrades to all of your classes and cosmetics for all of your characters. It is stupid. If somebody dropped a few hundred dollars on the first day, there’s a huge potential of maxing out all characters and having overpowered Heroes. As if the Heroes weren’t strong enough from the start. You get one free crate a day. Thanks! You can earn credits to open crates while playing the game, but it seems like the max points you can earn are 150. You can get 150 credits, by making finishing the objective, or not allow the enemy to take the final objective. It seems more based on time then experience, because if you have 2 kills and I have 20, we both get 150 points. So I just don’t understand, there is no incentive to perform, rather you just don’t quit.
What’s with these gd pigeons…
Space battles and stuff.
Played it once. Hated flying the ships. Never played it again.
Characters and classes.
It’s no doubt that the heroes are overpowered. Darth Maul VS. a bunch generation 1 clone troopers is not fair. It’s not easy to get Darth Maul, I rarely saw him early in the battles. You have to get 5000 points to select Darth Maul. There are other options like Rocket Droids, tanks, and even Air Units to fly around.
That’s the door that Hano Solo just came through. That team had just lost the 2 forward points on that map and when that happened, the base went into locked trapping them outside the doors. Meanwhile, new spawns were taking place on the other side of those doors. It’s really bad with cutting the zones off when phases change. You could be way far forward doing work, but the phase ends with almost zero warning and you are all of the sudden in a RED ZONE. Kinda nubfarm.
The classes are great as long as you don’t mind the pay-to-win feature and you can wait to level them up slowly opening up random packs. There are swappable abilities and different guns to choose from. There were only 2 guns in the beta, I hope there are more in the final release. Prolly gonna need real monies for extra guns. I found myself switching between classes a lot during the battles. You can’t really use a sniper in Amidala's throne room.
Boba Fett in the throne room works great though!
There wasn’t much variety in the beta so I don’t know what else to go over. I only played the 40-man multiplayer. I played the 8v8 CTF style a few times, but teammates were hella jimmyfied and I couldn’t do it. I skipped over any story stuff and barely even looked at the stats of the other characters outside of the few I was using in the multiplayer.
I will probably give this game another shot when it is released. I’ll have a slight advantage on the day 1 nubfarm.
Stay tuned to Gouki.TV for live streams.
Thanks for reading!
Release Date:
Nov 17, 2017