Community Street Fighter X Tekken Gameplay

By ariscool24 — January 15, 2011
Tags: blog capcom gameplay namco street-fighter street-fighter-x-tekken

A new kind of fighter from Namco and Capcom. What do you want the gameplay to be like?

I think it would be cool to add a system where both players start each match with one dizzy counter. As soon as you get hit by an attack you can press the dizzy counter button that puts the opponent in a dizzy state. With Street Fighter IV's Focus Attack, Tatsunoko vs Capcom's Baroque, & Marvel vs Capcom 3's X-Factor. What do you want to see in Street Fighter X Tekken that will change and challenge the way you play fighters? I know a lot of hardcore players don't like it when a game makes it easy for others. But games like Super Street Fighter 4 have made the community for fighting games have a bigger audience. And we all know what having a bigger audience means. HYPE!!!!

Street Fighter X Tekken

SFxT Gouki Box Art

74 Stories

Release Date: Mar 6, 2012

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