Community Street Fighter X Tekken is getting someone InFamous in the game

By Arthvader — June 6, 2011
Tags: e3-2011 infamous news psvita street-fighter-x-tekken

Surprise announcement at the Sony E3 Press Conference.

At the Sony E3 Press Conference, Yoshinori Ono Announced that Street Fighter X Tekken will be available on the Playstation Vita alongside the Xbox 360 and PS3. He also announced, with collaboration from Sucker Punch, Cole MacGrath from InFamous Will be making a playable appearance for the PS3 and PS Vita Version of the game. Here's some Screenshots of him:


And here's a gameplay video:


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Street Fighter X Tekken

SFxT Gouki Box Art

74 Stories

Release Date: Mar 6, 2012

Buy it! 44% - Rent it! 33% - Flush it! 22%

[UPDATED] Jun 6, 2011 10:26:39 PM

Jun 6, 2011 by goukijones

Added tags: E3-2011 & news. Don't forget the easy tags. Also spell checked. Use the spell check Jimmys. Turn it on right when you start to edit.


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