Street Fighter X Tekken SE - Who's your team? Giveaway!!

By goukijones — February 9, 2012
Tags: blog freeish giveaway sfxt-giveaway

Win 1 of 3 copies of Street Fighter X Tekken Special Edition. Post a story on Gouki about which 2 fighters you're most interested in teaming up. Share your story. Winners will be selected based on creativity, votes, comments and total hits. US only.

The Prize!

Street Fighter X Tekken: Special Edition with Release Day Shipping & Delivery.

Street Fighter X Tekken Special Edition for the system of your choice. Xbox 360 or PS3.

-Included in the Special Edition.

The deadline to enter is Thursday March 1, 2012 and the winners will be announced Friday March 2. Winners will be notified via, Facebook & Twitter. You will know who won. Winners will receive an email with instructions on how to claim their copy of Street Fighter X Tekken.

What we're looking for is a short story about WHO & WHY you want to use any 2 specific characters in Street Fighter X Tekken. It could just be a 2 paragraph glorified comment for all we care, but you gotta take the time to post a story on Read the Faq, your story must be approved. You can submit as many entries as you want, but they must be separate stories.

Your story title must make sense and mention either the characters your writing about or Street Fighter X Tekken. Also tag your story "sfxt giveaway"

Share your story to get hits.

Post it to YOUR Facebook page and we will link to it on the Facebook page /goukinews.
Tweet a link to it on Twitter and include @goukinews and we will retweet your link.
If you have a really good story you can post it to under opinion. Just leave a link in the comments below and we'll help you get votes & comments.

This is a giveaway and reserves all rights. Rules, prizes & this story subject to change at anytime. Anybody abusing anything on will be banned immediately. We run a fair and legitimate operation here. Don't be a Jimmy. Thanks for playing.

We’re serious about our giveaways and always try to do them bigger and better. Check out our previous contests and giveaways.

Street Fighter X Tekken

SFxT Gouki Box Art

74 Stories

Release Date: Mar 6, 2012

Buy it! 44% - Rent it! 33% - Flush it! 22%

[UPDATED] Feb 24, 2012 2:01:55 PM

Feb 24, 2012 by goukijones

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