The Daily Lips: X-Men Destiny already forgotten?

By goukijones — September 29, 2011
Tags: blithering-blathering blog gears-of-war-3 halo-wars x-men-destiny

Just another day at the office. More PWNn than workin'. Nnnnnnnnnnnnnuab!

Up early today doing some editing. I posted a new Halo Wars Strategy video. Its terrible. I worked on a little Gears of War # Minitage, I don't know about that game.

We played a little GOW3 this evening and I find that game so annoying when I can't find any flow. Granted, I've never been a huge fan of any of the gears. Plus tonight we ended up with one of the most obnoxious party members in the world. Disguised as somebody else he snuck into our party. After 3 games I had to turn it off and go back to the Halo Wars.

Which leads me back to the title. I did not play the X-men at all today. It's so slow paced, it's dreadful. You can't skip the cutscenes and there no chance for a re-do when you get railed in the challenge rooms. The Challenge rooms have suits Jimmy! You can wear the different suits and get different powers... oh never mind.

90% of the day was spent on Halo Wars. WTF? I love it. Watch for a bunch of new videos coming the YouTube channel, plus the Mad Catz promo everyone is waiting for. Don't forget to check out our Resident Evil giveaway right now. You can win a game if you write a preview for it and we're still looking for a Girl to represent.

Don't be a Jimmy!
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X-Men: Destiny

X-Men Destiny Box Art

8 Stories

Release Date: Sep 27, 2011

Buy it! 22% - Rent it! 67% - Flush it! 11%

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