Community This Week on Xbox Live 7-24-2012

By Arthvader — July 24, 2012
Tags: deal deal-of-the-week deals deals-jimmy xbl xbox-360

A list of what's to come this week on Xbox Live.

Bare in mind, there's not much being put out this week. Now that I said that, let's look at this week's releases:

Deal of the Week (Exclusive to Gold Members only):

The Da-Vinci Dissapearance - 400 MSP (50% Off)

Game on Demand:

Rayman Origins - $19.99 (1600  MSP)

Left 4 Dead 2: $29.99 (2400 MSP)

Rabbids: Alive & Kicking - $19.99 (1600 MSP)

Prototype 2 - $59.99 (4800 MSP)

Xbox Live Arcade:

Wreckateer - 800 MSP

Game Add-ons:

Horror Pack - 240 MSP

Prototype 2 RADNET Access Pack - $6.00 (800 MSP)

Motley Crew - 160 MSP

From a different sky: Part 10 - 80 MSP

What do you think you might be interested in if you had the Microsoft Points? Leave your comments down in the bottom. Don't forget to vote and share, and don't be a Jimmy!!!




Other Stories posted by me:

More Grand Championship Fights from EVO 2012

Street Fighter X Tekken DLC Characters and Balance Patch news

4 More characters confirmed for Tekken Tag Tournament 2

Marvel Vs. Capcom Origins to be released in September

Arthvader Fights: Street Fighter III Online Edition


From a different sky: Part 10 - 80 MSP - whatever the fuck that is, I don't want to know.

Jul 24, 2012 by goukijones


They really need to adjust their Games on Demand prices or do something like the Steam Sale. I would definitely use GoD more.

Jul 24, 2012 by genxsis83


Wreckateer is the only one I'm kind of interested in because my son thinks It'll be fun. But I'm so disgusted with the Kinect.

Jul 28, 2012 by dragonkiss83

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