Time Stamped! 2 Gameplay videos for Dishonored released today.
By goukijones —
June 28, 2012
Bethesda Released 2 new gameplay videos for Dishonored today. I break them down with time stamps about what you need to know to be excited about. This is the same demo from E3.
1:01 Playing the game on normal heard. Jimmy style!
This is the same exact demo we were shown at E3.
2:50 The teleporting, climbing and sneaking look like a lot of fun in this game.
3:24 Possessing a fish. I still don't understand how the body goes in and out of the fish. So the man characters is a spirit?
4:40 Even the doors glow gold like in Bioshock. Remember Dishonored won multiple awards at E3 for being original.
5:23 Blowing out the candles, nice touch.
5:47 Choke that chick. Now what I want to to know is can I wake her up and then choke her out again? :)
7:05 The teleporting during my demo playthrough at E3 was my favorite part.
At least these 2 Jimmys giving the demo don't sound as scripted as the 2 at E3. This IS still scripted though.
8:30 I like the gun glowing. Jimmys's guns is gonna be getting snatched up and put into their face! Yea boi!
9:15 Why do I have to put the crank wheel on the crank? C'mon. Bonus gameplay?
10:20 Stealth mode. Detective vision.
11:40 Guy playing the game falls asleep for a second.
12:27 GTS
12:45 Posses a chick to break his fall. Sweet.
:40 Get sliced up!
1:17 More climbing.
1:30 Jimmys getting jacked up left and right.
1:53 Boom!
2:10 Rats. Not bees.
3:00 Spring razor. Most original thing so far.
3:30 lol! I want this game so bad right now.
4:00 In and out of the Golden Cat in less than half the time of the stealth play through.
4:30 More rats!
4:40 Then possess a rat and escape.
5:07 New area being shown. Still same scripted walk through from E3.
5:40 Tall walking Jimmys with bow and arrows. Every game has bow and arrows now. Thanks Hunger
I think he died at the end of the E3 demo though. Can't remember. Watching all this again and I really hope I'm not being a Jimmy here, but I am hype to play this. The climbing and serious combat looks dope. Can't wait to see some more of this, different levels and how open the world is going to be. If that is just one area and I can comb that room, then I won't be too excited about that. Now if it's totally open world traveling around that giant city. Look out!
What's your take? Another Bioshock clone that will fail or a hot new game that might be a huge dark horse this year. Vote, Comment, and Share. Don't be a Jimmy!
GoukiJones VS FnJimmy E3 2012 The Movie has exclusive gameplay video and takes.
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Oct 9, 2012