Top 5 Games of E3 2014 that are actually coming out in 2014

By goukijones — June 12, 2014
Tags: blithering-blathering blog e3-2014

In other words ... REAL GAMES.


GTAV - 2014

Well of course I cant wait to see what the modders do after they get a hold of this. I actually played the XBOX version last year. I didn't like it too much. But hopefully when GTA comes out on PC more friends will actually want to play it. Some of the multiplayer stuff looks good. I guess the more I think about it tho, I don't know how long the fun would last. Plus the timing of the next few games may have me skipping GTA all over again. 


The Halo Master Chief Collection - November 11, 2014

The highlite of this set is that Halo 2 will allegedly be the exact same as it was 10-12 years ago or whatever. Super bounce! Allegedl. I thot I had read a website quote or something confirming this, but I can't find that link now. However, a special matchmaking will allow you to choose maps from Halo 1-4. BANANAZ! 


Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris - 2014

Oh yeah! Didn't you play the first 1 Jimmy? It's very good. This new version is for 4 players! All of the maps are designed to be beaten by 1, 2, 3, or 4 players. Sounds like fun. The original was a 2010 Jimmy Gem Winner. That's like a game of the year from us. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnuab!


Destiny - September 9, 2014

I'm mad hype for this. That's nice there's a campaign & stuff to do, but have you seen the PvP. That shit is lookin' dope! It looks like next-gen Halo. Not really graphic wise cuz I'm not too impressed with the graphics watching it on stream. It probably looks nicer in person, anyway. The shooting Jimmys in the grill part of it looks like the place to be this PWNtober! Gameplay Vids


Dragon Age. Duh. October 7, 2014

Me raiping in part 2.

Me breaking the shit out of the part 2 with my raipings.

Classic Vlog Moment. Dusty Farts in Dragon Age I (4:06)

Thanks for reading! Guess I'll have a reason to get an Xbox ONE. I didn't want to play  Destiny on the Xbox. I don't know why. I don't. But I do know that more Jimmys I used to play with in the past will be on the Xbox. PLUS, Halo Collection & Fable eventually.

Don't be a Jimmy!


Xbone got dat high res 720p. They had a pretty weak showing of exclusives this year during the conference. Also, day 1-3 they had a pretty weak # of people watching their stream.

Jun 16, 2014 by kuroukage

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