YouTube hate mail

By goukijones — January 31, 2011
Tags: blithering-blathering blog video youtube

I get emails from YouTube all day long when people comment on our videos or on our channel. Today I got a real good one, he called me a jackass, then I called him a n00b and oh boy ... a whole notha level.

As you know has been simulating the matches of WWE PPV's with the video game, Smackdown VS Raw 2011. We've been pretty successful with that until I found a Reese's peanut butter cup in Jimmy's brand new Halo Reach Edition Xbox 360 and we had to send it in for repair. Irrelevant.

We simulated the two recent championship matches for 2011 Royal Rumble and posted them on YouTube. Don't fuck with wrestling fans. Here's what happened.

On the Edge VS Dolph Ziggler Royal Rumble.
mapscannotcontainme left this comment:
You jackass! Indicate that its a video game in your title!  *First sentence in description

I responded:
You are a n00b. Actual match is copyrighted. Perhaps you've been rick rolled. Don't be a Jimmy! *This YouTube pro doesn't know about getting Rick Rolled.

First off the first sentence in the description says that this video is a simulated match with Smackdown VS Raw 2011. This Jimmy was so irate and so upset that he couldn't watch the Royal Rumble, that when he say what I posted, he lost his mind.

This morning I received a reply on the video from the same Jimmy:
n00b or not - answer's not btw - I'm familiar with the concept of "false advertising" and I'm considerate enough to do others the favor of making clear what my YouTube videos (under other names) contain. BTW you have a private message and when you're referring to cock when you say "jimmy" it isn't a proper noun and doesn't need capitalization. The more you know... *No uploaded videos from this YouTube pro

Thanks for the English lesson, but when I'm the writer, I can write Jimmy however I please. But it didn't end there, I also received a private message from this Jimmy as well.


You see, you didnt need to reply to my post at all and you especially didn't need to throw baseless insults at me. When I called you a jackass it was meant kiddingly. FYI: jackass isn't the most severe insult one can hurl your way. Moving on, I'm not a noob. I've been using the internet and YouTube for years now. In fact, I'm quite well-versed in YouTube etiquette. Speaking of said etiquette, it's considered thoughftul to indicate when posting a video game clip that it's a video game clip such as by including the title of the video game in the title of your YouTube video.

(Telling me to not to take being called a Jackass -which I am- offensive, but when I called him a n00b, oh boy. I'm sure he was real upset that he had to turn off Two and Half Men reruns on the CW and respond to me.) to being a "Jimmy" know what I probably am...but I just have to say...who the fuck calls anybody a "Jimmy"? I had to rack my brain to understand what you meant. I wasn't sure if you were talking about South Park or pot or a crowbar or the million and one other things that come to mind when I hear "Jimmy" before it being a synonym for "dick". Christ! I think I've heard it used once in that respect in my life before today.

Now, finally it's common knowledge that the WWE copyrights their videos and YouTube takes down the videos of matches put up soon after the actual PPV. This is obviously done in hopes of WWE getting people to purchase the encores, However, if you'd put down your video game controller for a moment - I'm guessing, given your YouTube page, that you spend a large percentage of your life with a controller in your hand - and scroll about YouTube, you'll find tons of WWE matches put up in their entirety. People post them despite the copyright claims and those videos end up staying up. It isn't unreasonable to think I might have been able to catch the video of a match before it was removed or that YouTube officials missed, either.

(This guy knows and understands that putting up copyright material is against the guidelines of YouTube, but was so mad at me for not uploading the actual match.)

YouTube doesn't always time stamp their posts in the main search results meaning what posters decide to name as their title is one of the main criteria people go by in choosing whether to look at a video. Not indicating in your title that your video is a video game could be construed as a pathetic attempt to gain views. Additionally with the improvements in recent years to video game graphics, small screenshot icons beside each video title are difficult to distinguish from real life match screenshots.

Don't bother responding to this message because you've been blocked from sending me a response. In the future, learn to properly title videos, not take posts so seriously, and learn some more relevant insults. It'd be appreciated.


He blocked me?! Why? What did he think I was going to do? Go crazy myself and write about this Jimmy on my website. Don't worry about me taking posts seriously. 

Copyrighted videos are copyrighted for a reason and YouTube will ban you for posting content you don't own. I have over 200 videos on YouTube, I'm not gonna risk that to post actual WWE matches, when you can watch them for free on the WWE's YouTube channel. PPV's though, you have to Pay Per View.

This guy don't know what a Jimmy is? Well he knows now. HE IS A JIMMY!

So to all my Goukiites out there, drop by Nubfarm's YouTube channel and just let him know he IS a Jimmy and for a special bonus, link him to this story. He blocked me remember. Who knows maybe we'll make a new friend out of this. BTW, I added [SvR 2011] to the YouTube titles just for him and can only hope he is gracious enough to accept my actions for what they are. A semi apology for getting his hopes up about watching some illegal WWE PPV matches on YouTube.

WWE SmackDown VS Raw 2011

WWE SmackDown VS Raw 2011 Gouki Box Art

21 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Oct 26, 2010

Buy it! 37% - Rent it! 32% - Flush it! 32%

HAHAHAHAHA, can't wait to see this guy get flooded!

noworries has not rated WWE SmackDown VS Raw 2011 yet.
Jan 31, 2011 by noworries


Goukiites = worst nickname for a group of people on the internets ever?

choke has not rated WWE SmackDown VS Raw 2011 yet.
Jan 31, 2011 by choke


random douchebag youtubers are pretty dumb. That is pretty cute that he blocked you. If your reading this mapscannotcontainme aka Christopher Killough, stop being a jerk.

"In fact, I'm quite well-versed in YouTube etiquette. Speaking of said etiquette, it's considered thoughftul to indicate when posting a video game clip that it's a video game clip such as by including the title of the video game in the title of your YouTube video."

serious lols

iorilamia rated WWE SmackDown VS Raw 2011 Flush it
Jan 31, 2011 by iorilamia


What a Jimmy! He got his from me. dontbeajimmy!

Cinderkin rated WWE SmackDown VS Raw 2011 Rent it
Jan 31, 2011 by Cinderkin


LOL... what a Troll.. what is worst then a troll? a Trolling Jimmy!

InfestedOreo rated WWE SmackDown VS Raw 2011 Rent it
Jan 31, 2011 by InfestedOreo


fight fight lol naw thats fucked thanks for the vid though i enjoyed it spear the shit out of him edge lol!

kof2012 rated WWE SmackDown VS Raw 2011 Flush it
Feb 2, 2011 by kof2012


Wtf iS YouTube???

Sheepsmuggler has not rated WWE SmackDown VS Raw 2011 yet.
Feb 2, 2011 by Sheepsmuggler


what....the helll

SonicZero rated WWE SmackDown VS Raw 2011 Flush it
Feb 2, 2011 by SonicZero


That was a fucking genius post. Your responses were perfect and the wording was phenomenal. I actually laughed out loud at some of your responses. Good job.

aragrist has not rated WWE SmackDown VS Raw 2011 yet.
Feb 4, 2011 by aragrist

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