Borderlands Review

By goukijones — October 24, 2009
Tags: 2k-games borderlands fps gearbox-software ps3 review rpg xbox-360

Leveling up and shooting Jimmys in the face is a perfect match for me.

After only sitting down to play this game only 3 times, I've already logged over 20 hours and have leveled up to 25. When the game says it has a bazillion guns it's not joking, almost every character carries a different gun and every time you open a treasure chest it has new guns that entire party scrambles to get a glimpse of.

Yeah the party Jimmy. This a four player co-op RPS, RPS means Role playing shooter. It's something new. Kind of like something people were asking for after playing Fallout 3 for a little while. Where is the co-op? Here it is in Borderlands.

The setting here is a distant planet named Pandora. More like a Mad Max type world than a "Capital Wasteland." The graphics are cel-shaded, yes Jimmys are still making cel-shaded games. The game looks cool, the graphics don't really make a huge difference for me. The gunplay is spot on, the menu takes a little getting used to and the driving takes some practice.

I'm really enjoying this game and I look forward to playing it. It's super fun and really ... any game that's multiplayer that has a solid party system that is easy to use and most importantly FUN. My final verdict here is an easy choice.

This a Buy Jimmy!


Borderlands Gouki Box Art

Jimmy seal of approval Jimmy Gem Winner

37 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Oct 20, 2009

Buy it! 82% - Rent it! 18% - Flush it! 0%

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