Crysis 2 Multiplayer is Dead in the Water

By goukijones — April 14, 2011
Tags: blithering-blathering blog crysis-2 exclusive exclusive-video multiplayer review video

Mixed Emotions and mixed feelings is ALL Crysis 2 has to offer. One moment you're absolutely loving it and then you're saying out loud that you will never play again. Ametuers man. Poor matchmaking, terrible party system and unexplainable glitches.

Crysis 2 Campaign Review

You would think a publisher like EA would know how to put out a proper multiplayer experience right? They act like they don't give a shit. Crytek can only be responsible for so much. Although, Crytek could have definitely built a better party and matchmaking system. It's bad enough that a lot of these features are a copy of Call of Duty games, but to have the mulitplayer separate parties, boot players at random and straight up fatal error my Xbox is a little ridiculous. Where is the testing? What I want to see is more beta tests, longer beta tests if you're just going to let the community test it once it's released anyway. Where are the patches? The game has been out for a couple of weeks now and still nothing. The screen flips out when you zoom in at the beginning of a game on the map Liberty Island. Why is this? Can anybody explain this? At the beginning of that map, all of my team mates are reminding each other to zoom in and out a couple of times so it doesn't happen while you are in combat.

Crysis 2 Screen Glitch on Liberty Island

So that's a lot of the hate there, the matchmaking. The fact that I've been in the game for 32 hours and have actually only played in matchmaking 15 hours! Wow! That means, I've been in the menus for more than twice as long as I've actually played the game. Regardless of these issues, when you actually get into games and all of your friends are on the same team, the Crysis 2 is a lot of fun.

Crysis 2 has some of the best multiplayer maps in years. No other game comes to mind, when I really think about maps. Maybe Halo 2, but that's way old Jimmy. Liberty Island -the level I mention earlier with the glitch- is probably my favorite multiplayer map in years. The Liberty Island map is very well crafted. The two bases are spread perfectly apart, the medic tent site is great to sneak through, oh and the dead bodies laid out in body bags are hilarious when you are running over them. It got real bad real quick on this map and it is the best map in the game.

Ranking up in Crysis 2 and getting new perks is no different from what you've seen in the Call of Duty series. This is a straight up copy of COD. I'm not sure why they did it like this and I'm not saying it's bad, but I want to know why a completely different company couldn't have come up with something a little more original. Crytek is supposed to be this great game making company. And please don't say this is their first multiplayer game, that's not good enough. You can even prestige in Crysis 2, c'mon.

The last thing I want to do is start all over with my guns. I'm just now getting to level 30 and starting to like how I can build my custom classes. Early on in multiplayer, when you have no guns and no perks, you're getting railed constantly and it is ZERO fun. This was always one of my major issues with COD. You really have to put time in to Crysis 2 if you want to get to the fun stuff in the multiplayer. Look at me, it only took 32 hours of it actually being on for me to start enjoying it.

I wrote everything above a few days ago. I've continued to play the Crysis 2 and my emotions continued to rise and fall. Until finally last night. I'm terrible at the death match and they may be my fault. I'm good during flag matches and enjoy that much more. It's bad enough to lose a few matches in a row or feel like your constantly getting railed in the ass and there is nothing you can do about it. But then when it kicks you out of games or Migrates Host and ends up putting your party into to separate games and you don't even realize until you team starts talking about two different maps. Last night I vowed to never put the Crysis 2 back into my Console.

Flush it! Just like when you Jimmys try to get all Greg Luoganis and swim around the levels where you can't pull your gun out. Crysis 2 is Dead in the Water.

Crysis 2

Crysis 2 Gouki Box Art

16 Stories

Release Date: Mar 22, 2011

Buy it! 33% - Rent it! 47% - Flush it! 20%

I was wondering if I should give it another chance as a rental, since the demo didn't impress me, but this just confirms that it'ld be a waste of time.

DragonKiss83 rated Crysis 2 Flush it
Apr 15, 2011 by DragonKiss83


Aaaaaaand further confirming me not to buy it, thanks :D Amazing review.

iorilamia rated Crysis 2 Rent it
Apr 15, 2011 by iorilamia


There are some Jimmies who love the COD style multiplayer. Me, I hate it. That's why I knew just from the demo that I didn't want to play the MP and ended up reviewing the campaign. I much prefer the Halo style where everyone has access to the same weapons. The balance in these COD style games just seems so off to me. Here's hoping Duke is fun!

BatRastered rated Crysis 2 Rent it
Apr 15, 2011 by BatRastered

Gorilla WarBear

god dam sucks ass piles

Gorilla WarBear has not rated Crysis 2 yet.
Apr 19, 2011 by Gorilla WarBear


i like the weapons

kof2012 has not rated Crysis 2 yet.
Apr 20, 2011 by kof2012

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