Darksiders Best Buy action figure severely damaged

By goukijones — February 3, 2010
Tags: action-figure best-buy blog darksiders exclusive pictures

Buy Darksiders from Best Buy and receive a free action figure. My Darksiders action figure came in the mail today and you're not going to believe these pictures.

Dear Best Buy and THQ,              

                   You should be ashamed of yourselves. First of all there was never any clear information about the Darksiders Action figure bonus when the game first came out. There was no information, if you had to fill out an online form to get the action figure and when you called or spoke to a Best Buy employee they didn't have a clue. Finally after digging through all types of forums, I came to the conclusion that the figure would just be mailed to me in a couple of weeks. This is what came in the mail today, this is exactly how I took it from the mail person this morning.

darksiders action figure

This is what came in the mail today.

darksiders action figure

As you can see this is exactly how it was mailed. No extra box for protection or anything. I'm a collector this is the reason I did buy the game at Best Buy.

darksiders action figure

There's a hole in the side of the box.

darksiders action figure

In this picture you can clearly see the plastic strap that is wrapped around the box completely destroying it.

darksiders action figure

The bottom of the picture here just shows how smashed up this box actually is .   This is just completely unacceptable. I've been a gamer for a very long time and I have never been this disappointed with a bonus item for a game. (Including the Batman Arkham Asylum Collector's Edition) I'm also a collector and this is not fair.  

It really seems that nobody ever gave a shit about this bonus item. Best Buy never had any answers about it in the first place and now it comes on the mail utterly destroyed. If you read this story and you are pissed off about this as well, message me I smell a class action lawsuit here. lol.  

*Darksiders is a great game. Read my review?

*Darksiders curb surfing. Watch the video?


Darksiders Gouki Box Art

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Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Jan 5, 2010

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