GoukiJones' Final Fantasy XIV Beginner's Strategy Guide for Marauder WAR GLD

By goukijones — August 9, 2013
Tags: blithering-blathering blog gouki-walkthru how-to malboro strategy-guide taw

I lay my entire plan on the table for the four day phase 4 beta test of Final Fantasy XIV. This character will carry over, so it's full-on! My Goal: level 20 MRD. Level 20 GLD. Additional Job abilities. GC, FG & Bird. Get ready to rail Early Access.

Okay so here’s the plan …

I want to get to endgame as a Warrior ASAP after release. I don’t want to play MRD full time at end game tho. I just figure there are going to be a lot of nuabs playing & I need to be in a leader’s role or I’m gonna die a lot. Plus it’s easier for tanks to get into Duty Finder & I’m familiar with MRD, since I played that in the beta. With that said …

Let me just clarify a few things. I was in phase 3 of the beta, so I will get access to phase 4 of the beta this coming Friday. August 16, 2013. I’m expecting it to kick off the same time the other phases started around 2AM. Yes, I will plan accordingly that day to be awake at 2AM, PWNn!

If you have an invite to phase 4, you can start playing on Saturday. Phase 4 is open beta, but if you did not apply earlier for it, you will have to register on Saturday & wait for an email. I have no further details on this. Don’t be so late next time. Don’t be a Jimmy!

Phase 4 of the beta is capped at level 20. So you should be able to get to a Grand Company & get your Chocobo. All of that stuff isn’t hard to miss, it’s part of the main story. Once you beat Ifrit, you’ll know. Okay since we can only get to level 20, there’s going to be a lot of free time to do other things in the game. When I first played, I got to level 18 in less than 2 days. I was doing a lot running around & side quests. Not this time. Fuck side quests. I’ll run around as an Arcanist at the end of phase 4 & do Jimmy ass side quests, if I’m bored.

Main goal #1. Get to Level 15 -> Get an Airship pass. The moment I land in Gridania, I hoof it over to the Conjurer’s guild & get my CNJ up to level 2, maybe level 8 depending on how long I think it will take. The reason for this is, CNJ unlocks Cure at level 2 & Protect at level 8. Having Cure would be nice, it’ll save me GIL on potions & I’ll just have another way to heal myself in battle. Can’t rely on the nubfarm.

At this point I may stick around Gridania & get a couple of more abilities, just so I have them & later on I can test out with different builds. For example:

Feint - Level 2 Lancer: Delivers an attack with a potency of 120.
Additional Effect: Slow +20%
Duration: 20s

Keen Fury - Level 4 Lancer: Increases parry rate by 20%.
Duration: 30s

Straight Shot - Level 2 Archer: Delivers an attack with a potency of 140.
Additional Effect: Increases critical hit rate by 10%
Duration: 20s

Raging Strikes - Level 4 Archer: Increases damage dealt by 20%.
Duration: 20s

Then it’s time to get the fuck outta Gridania. I sure will miss all of those green trees. If you continue the main story quest you should be on your way to Ul’Dah now. I believe after you complete the story quests here it will be time for your first dungeon. Since you can only get to level 20, I don’t think there is a super rush to keep going with your main right now. I’ll stop & get 1 more subjob ability while I’m here.

Second Wind - Level 8 Pugilist: Instantly restores 25% of maximum HP.

Thaumaturge moves are pretty worthless for MRD at this point. So I’ll skip that class all together right now. Second Wind from the PUG is huge for the MRD, restore 25% of my HP instantly? Yes, I need that. While playing MRD during phase 3, I would drop to low health in party without warning & very fast. This could send the CNJ in your party into a panic mode & he may not be able to heal you fast enough. Having stuff like Second Wind, Cure, & Hi-potions on you are going to save your life & keep your entire party alive.

What about Gladiator? You need GLD to get to Warrior with your MRD Jimmy. I know, I know. But at this point (again because of the level 20 cap) I don’t know how big of a deal it is to rush this down. Maybe level him up quick to get Flash, but you don’t need that. You should know how to control hate during battles without needing that skil. Still tho, if I think there’s time, I’ll do it.

Now I’m gonna finish the current storyline with my main job. Get to level 20, beat Ifrit, get to a GC & get my bird. So my MRD is now level 20, now what? Now I go back to Ul’Dah & get my GLD to 20.

No crafting or gathering during phase 4 for me. I only want class levels. After I get my MRD & GLD maxed out, I’ll decide what I want to do. I’ll probably want to fool around with Arcanist. I really want to be a Bard endgame, I love everything I hear about that job. Plus, I’ve always liked playing Archer. In Final Fantasy XI I was a healer, so I’m not too excited about doing that right away in this game. White Mage style anyway, I want to see how the Arcanist is set up. I love pets!

If all of this stuff comes to light & I can complete it by the end of phase 4, I think I’ll be off to a good start. I really want to craft & gather, but if I don’t get to endgame (lvl50) early & with my FC, I’m going to get left behind & I’m not having that. Don’t be a Jimmy!

To find me, you can always Tweet me @GoukiJones. Facebook: GoukiJones.

I will be on Malboro for the Final Fantasy XIV. I will have a Gouki LinkShell. I will be rolling with TAW.net as my Free Company.

Final Fantasy XIV

Final Fantasy XIV Gouki Box Art

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Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Aug 27, 2013

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Here's a giant leveling guide someone posted about Beta 3. I haven't looked at all of it yet, but it looks pretty well laid out (from what I have seen). Lots of info. :)


kuroukage rated Final Fantasy XIV Buy it
Aug 9, 2013 by kuroukage


I don't like that page.

goukijones rated Final Fantasy XIV Rent it
Aug 10, 2013 by goukijones


Second Wind logo is wrong, you used Haymaker. W00T!?

Zero2990 rated Final Fantasy XIV Flush it
Sep 9, 2013 by Zero2990

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