Hi Scores Bar-Arcade Now Open in Las Vegas. Arcades in 2012 now come with a full bar.

By goukijones — September 27, 2012
Tags: blithering-blathering blog hi-scores-bar-arcade las-vegas review

Yesterday Gouki checked out the new Hi Scores Bar-Arcade in Las Vegas, Nevada. Super friendly & polite staff. Craft beers & great food. 1 Street Fighter 2 Machine in a Street Fighter The Movie case. Big sad face there. No worries tho, plenty else to PWN!

Yeah I wanted to play Street Fighter The Movie the arcade. lol. BatRastered first tipped me off that that game would be available there. He must have just seen the cabinet. I had a ton of fun with SFTMta back in the day at Mary K's. Blowing up the helicopter in the background while fighting was an innovative milestone. 

PrettyMiwa & I hung out for a while. I tried Paulener craft beer. It was okay, it was $6 bucks. Later on I had a bottled Virgi'ls Root Beer & that was really good. If you're a root beer fan, check it out. It was $3.25. For Lunch, PrettyMiwa got the Fish & Chips. Looked pretty standard to me. Some potato chips on the side. She said it was good & it was gone in the matter of moments. That was $12 bucks. I got the Flying Hawaiian & I had no idea what I was getting into. A spicy chicken sandwich with tons of Hawaiian sauce, some weird lettuce that Miwa said was Japanese. Of course it was. & Pineapple. It was really good. $10.00. All that with Miwa's ice tea was $36.48. Not bad, if I were in a drinking mood, it could have been over $50. I didn't try any of the special drinks. Not looking to get too railed in the middle of the afternoon anymore. 

Gamers should go & check this place out. It's very welcoming. There wasn't super loud music playing constantly to where you wouldn't be able to enjoy the games. The GM Leif is also very friendly with local game clubs & is encouraging toward you having an event at Hi Scores Bar-Arcade. 

I took some pictures as well. I'll include some ramblings with each 1. 

There's girls there. I didn't get to talk to these 2 too much about video games, but they were very nice. Thanks for the picture girls. Our waitress however, I did get to grill about video games. She plays Sonic games on her PS3 & plays a lot of Wii. I don't know anybody still playing the bowling on Wii, but if you are. Rock on! You gotta be good as hell at that now. 

Here's the set up for the gaming booths. 2 way TV's are a great idea. 

Here's another shot of the arcade. I thot there would be a lot more machines. Apparently they are swapping machines in & out of storage. So if you don't see your favorite old arcade game, ask them for it!

You can barely see Jean-Claude's face on that machine in the corner. It's not the same game tho. It's Street Fighter II. 

The bar is sectioned off & smoking is allowed. I'll stay out of there as much as possible. I'm not a big fan of machines at the bar. 

This is the outdoor area, where we spent most of our time. I love this. A couple of great party games. Like bowling, darts & 2 golf machines. Great environment out here. Pro-tip: Ask for the patio. 

Next door is the Player's Club. Another bar with a few games in the back. Inside here was just another classic bar. Smelled like smoke, had some locals hanging out. I saw somebody using a computer, so maybe they have good internet. I didn't try. :( 

You have to visit Hi Scores Bar-Arcade, check it out for yourself. Especially if you live close in Henderson, Nevada. Good food, great staff & with the games, something to do. 

Find them on Facebook & Twitter

Hi Scores Bar-Arcade
65 S Stephanie St, Henderson, NV 89012

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Seems cool. If I liked videogames still I'd probably be more into it. If the food and drinks are decent and reasonably priced as it seems, it wouldnt be a bad place to hang. Better than the Insert Coins (ahem) nightclub.

Sep 27, 2012 by choke


Kind of cool. Seems more like a rec center than a full-blown arcade a la Dave&Busters, but sometimes that's OK too.

Sep 28, 2012 by derkasan


Seems like a pretty mellow spot.

Oct 15, 2012 by dragonkiss83

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