Nintendo 3DS Unboxing with FnJimmy [Exclusive Video]

By goukijones — April 2, 2011
Tags: exclusive exclusive-pictures exclusive-video fnjimmy news nintendo-3ds pictures unboxing video

FnJimmy unboxes the Nintendo 3DS right before your eyes. No Spanish required for this viewing. AR cards? Trading cards or something right? FnJimmy does not dissapoint with this detailed video.

After we got it up and running, I went straight for the AR cards. Unlike Jimmy, I knew exactly what they did. It started out pretty simple, just shooting some targets that popped up on the kitchen table. Then a dragon comes out of the table and I jump out my seat. Next thing you know I'm circling the kitchen table shooting at the dragon. Awesome stuff, I can't wait to see what they do with the AR cards in the future.

The 3D camera is also sweet. The 3D doesn't translate at all here, but look at the pretty stars.

These effects are created by blowing your 3DS.

Here is the now classic FnJimmy and GoukiJones mixed grill picture.

You can also take 3D shots of your Mii and other Nintendo characters that are included with the 3DS AR cards.

That's Pikmin mofo! What do you mean you don't know what that is. One of the best games from the GameCube era.  

The 3DS has some great features and there's tons to get involved with right out of the box. I just recently sold my DS, I didn't think I'd ever want to play handheld stuff anymore. You know, getting older and eyes getting worse and stuff. Now I see this 3DS and I want one. That feeling should pass, unless that certain game comes out that I just can not live with out. AR card gaming is the future Jimmy!

Nintendo 3DS

Nintendo 3DS Black

23 Stories

Release Date: Mar 27, 2011

Buy it! 80% - Rent it! 7% - Flush it! 13%

I got the aqua blue too.

Phresh rated Nintendo 3DS Buy it
Apr 2, 2011 by Phresh


That's cool. I'm glad I got mine. Maybe we should have a channel to share GamerTag, PSN name, Wii code, 3DS code... Just saying..

reipuerto has not rated Nintendo 3DS yet.
Apr 2, 2011 by reipuerto


When you cut away from pulling the plastic off the game I just assumed it was this long process, poor Jimmy.

The AR cards do sound like a great idea though.

DragonKiss83 rated Nintendo 3DS Buy it
Apr 2, 2011 by DragonKiss83


3d cards are pretty damn amusing.IRL yugioh stuff is the next lvl

iorilamia rated Nintendo 3DS Buy it
Apr 4, 2011 by iorilamia

de bad shot


de bad shot has not rated Nintendo 3DS yet.
Apr 11, 2011 by de bad shot


"I don't know what language this is".... lmao

hoho23 rated Nintendo 3DS Buy it
Apr 12, 2011 by hoho23


i wish i had cash to buy this

kof2012 has not rated Nintendo 3DS yet.
Apr 20, 2011 by kof2012


No glasses required. If Nintendo can pull it off, why can't the other jimmyas do the same for the TV.

fnjimmy rated Nintendo 3DS Buy it
Jun 7, 2011 by fnjimmy

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