Community Phoenix and Haggar in MVC3

By blazemanx — January 6, 2011
Tags: blog mvc3 news video

the two new characters for MVC3

i got two fresh new faces for you guys haggar and phoenix are in MVC3

phoenix looks really good her healing super looks yummy to my tummy ^_^

haggar on the other hand looks pretty boring and generic but that might change once i've had time with him

but overall two more solid additions to a game that is shaping up to be a BEAST

i want to hear your guys opinion on the two new characters are u happy with them?


Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Fate of Two Worlds Gouki Box Art

139 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Feb 15, 2011

Buy it! 73% - Rent it! 18% - Flush it! 9%

Jan 6, 2011 by goukijones

Which of these 2 new characters for Marvel VS Capcom 3 has your more excited?

bar! Phoenix — 20% (2 votes)

bar! Haggar — 80% (8 votes)

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