Community SFxT Giveaway Hwoarang and Abel vs the World

By Brad_Ry — February 25, 2012
Tags: blog sfxt-giveaway

I want the free game. Here's 2 great characters. And why they are awesome.

Well first off when I see the game I would just play this game strictly for fun. As the learning curve while it doesn't look steep finding the team synergy would be a pain in the butt. Judging from what I've seen and that isn't much.  Seems everyone is afraid to use Tekken characters. Well to take the best of both worlds from what I know. Why not Abel and Hwoarang?

 Starting with Hwoarang . While's he's no Baek Doo San. At least Baek taught this guy how to fight so the guy has something going for him. From what I remember about the Tae Kwon Do student he does have some nice and easy launchers back there in Tekken. Along with some easy combos. And he does have my favorite move "Hunting Hawk" I believe its called. Where he kicks you in the air twice and the 3rd kick knocks you down. While looking cool with that he obviously has some easy synergy so why not go to the other character.  

Abel...also known as the untapped potential in my book when SF4 was released (next to Twins 2.0 AKA Rufus). Dude has some impressive throws and easy chains (or rekkas...rekkas being move 1, move 2, move 3, etc. in a simple chain). This guy is just scary to face especially online with an easy anti-air and easy command throws. I loved using this guy back in SF4.  Even if throws are now lowered in priority he's still a good character.  Not to mention his easy chain specials and a dodge roll as I would call it. No doubt this guy can be a good partner for Hwoarang and vice versa.  

Street Fighter X Tekken

SFxT Gouki Box Art

74 Stories

Release Date: Mar 6, 2012

Buy it! 44% - Rent it! 33% - Flush it! 22%

Jimmys riding Howarang jock, I'm surprised. I'm worried about learning a new fighter, I barely understand Marvel. Actually I probably don't understand that at all.

goukijones rated Street Fighter X Tekken Rent it
Feb 25, 2012 by goukijones


Haha this is actually a team I would use to. I am a big fan of Abel from SF 4 ^^

genxsis83 rated Street Fighter X Tekken Flush it
Feb 26, 2012 by genxsis83


I'm not really excited for Abel, don't get me wrong though. I like the fact he looks like (havent had much exp. with him) "let me dash and throw you to the ground in a nasty fashion and the second you get up, I'm gonna do it again cuz I can." which imho, a bit scary ._.

Cybuster89 has not rated Street Fighter X Tekken yet.
Feb 26, 2012 by Cybuster89


Im not really an Abel fan but Hwoarang for DAYS.

Animefreak has not rated Street Fighter X Tekken yet.
Feb 26, 2012 by Animefreak


I didn't really think about teaming them up, but it sounds like a solid team.

dragonkiss83 rated Street Fighter X Tekken Rent it
Feb 27, 2012 by dragonkiss83


Thumbs up for Abel.

choke has not rated Street Fighter X Tekken yet.
Feb 28, 2012 by choke


Interesting choice of characters. Hwoarang is a plus.

Arthvader rated Street Fighter X Tekken Buy it
Mar 1, 2012 by Arthvader

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