Community Street Fighter x Tekken Team - "Team Ken Masters"

By numberviz3r0 — February 26, 2012
Tags: blog sfxt-giveaway

This is my entry for the Street Fighter x Tekken giveaway.

Bob is currently my Tekken main and I want to pick him up again due to what DMG|Kor has been showing off on Cross Assault.  Once he was announced, it made me happy and I had a feeling I would play him.  He is probably one of the only Tekken guys I will play, other than Law.  But I would have a lot of fun playing as him and enjoy abusing this speedy tubby.  >:]

Ken Masters is my first legit main in Street Fighter and I want to play him again.  Yeah, yeah, yeah...  I know everyone plays Ken at some point or another and he looks really cheap in what has been shown of SFxT...  But I don't care since I never pay attention to tiers anyways.  So...  Regardless, I'm going to play as him and definitely have fun doing so.

"Team Ken Masters" is definitely going to be my main team!  Remember according to Rufus in the SFxT video, Bob is "Ken Masters".  This is why I dubbed the team, "Team Ken Masters" haha!

Street Fighter X Tekken

SFxT Gouki Box Art

74 Stories

Release Date: Mar 6, 2012

Buy it! 44% - Rent it! 33% - Flush it! 22%

Rufus: its....YOU!

Cybuster89 has not rated Street Fighter X Tekken yet.
Feb 26, 2012 by Cybuster89


Ya that's my DISLIKE there, a boring color coordinated team by default ain't that cool man.

Animefreak has not rated Street Fighter X Tekken yet.
Feb 26, 2012 by Animefreak


lol looks like a before and after picture for weight watchers.

erikestrada has not rated Street Fighter X Tekken yet.
Feb 27, 2012 by erikestrada


@ Animefreak: lol Color schemes never had anything to do with it.

numberviz3r0 has not rated Street Fighter X Tekken yet.
Feb 27, 2012 by numberviz3r0


erikestrada has it right.

The best thing about Ken is someone else picking him so I can kick the crap out of him. :)

dragonkiss83 rated Street Fighter X Tekken Rent it
Feb 27, 2012 by dragonkiss83


@dragonkiss83 I have to agree with you. with soo many people picking up on ken, that gives us plenty of opportunities to beat him up.

Arthvader rated Street Fighter X Tekken Buy it
Mar 1, 2012 by Arthvader

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