What's up with Dead Island?

By goukijones — August 10, 2011
Tags: blithering-blathering blog video

Dead Island is set for release in less than a month. I'm all for Co-op games and killing zombies, but I don't know about this game.

Dead Island is on the "Whoa I don't know" list mostly because of that kick. You know that famous kick from the last demo where the chicks leg just seems to come straight out. That and it also seemed be very disproportioned. (WTF is the right word there?)

What's the deal Jimmys? I know some Gouki.com users are hype for this game. Write me some Dead Island Hype stories. What you like about it, what's interesting to you and what is the most exciting feature you're looking forward to?
Don't be a Jimmy!

Dead Island Fight Together Trailer

Dead Island

Dead Island Gouki Box Art

10 Stories

Release Date: Sep 6, 2011

Buy it! 38% - Rent it! 38% - Flush it! 25%

I'm a major horror fan so a new zombie game had my attention from the start. They also had me interested in the interaction with the other survivors, story is one of the main reasons I play games. And although there are a lot of weapon types and vehicles for us to use they will run out, that fits with the survival horror style better than finding extra ammo in a toilet. The problem I'm having is that I'm overwhelmed with games I want to pick up and blowing money on something that turns out to be a bad game makes me nervous. I'ld rent it if I had the chance, but unless I sign up for Gamefly there isn't much chance of that.

dragonkiss83 has not rated Dead Island yet.
Aug 10, 2011 by dragonkiss83


badassnice story

kof2012 has not rated Dead Island yet.
Aug 10, 2011 by kof2012


I still want to play fnjimmy or goukijones at mvc3 hit me up

kof2012 has not rated Dead Island yet.
Aug 10, 2011 by kof2012

grey walrus

I'm not so sure about this game. I'm thinking it'll be about a 6/10 and won't live up to most peoples expectations, but that's just my opinion.

grey walrus has not rated Dead Island yet.
Aug 10, 2011 by grey walrus

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