13 year Anniversary for Gouki.com & January JOTM

By goukijones — January 28, 2012
Tags: anniversary-story blog jimmy-of-the-month

Special shout out to everyone who has visited Gouki.com. Check out our stats from last year. Also the January 2012 Jimmy of the Month winner.

It's no lie that we kind dropped off at the end of the year and you can see that in the stats above. BatRastered and  I were kind of sitting back and getting our shit together for 2012. We also manage DropTheBelt.com full time. That site is about to get a new version in April. If you're a wrestling fan check dat.

Back to Gouki. Thank you to everyone who has ever visited, comment, shared and especially wrote a story on Gouki.com. Cinderkin, JalexBrown, and Crimson Relic. What up Jimmy?! We miss your content and hope to hear from you soon. Very special note to ArthVader, a great friend and supporter of Gouki.com for over 2 years now. Thank you. 

In 2012 a new version of Gouki.com will be launched WAAAY later in the year. It will be more ambitious than ever. (Just don't tell BatRastered yet.) We've got some great apps for you guys to check and share. The Gouki.com PricePWNr tracks prices on video games across Amazon, GameStop & Buy.com. Find stuff on sale, go back and get  games cheap that you want to play. Save money on video games! There's plenty of ways to save.

Have you seen the early beta build of the brackets? Gouki Brackets Beitch! We will be taking over the FGC with this one Jimmy. The beta is really testing that the product works. Right now we're working on the look and whatever minor tweaks the programing needs. Most importantly it needs to look like a bracket, right? And we're hoping to have a new look for you in early February or May. lol. We're busy yo.

So if you don't know by now, BatRastered and I run Gouki.com from a secret location in Las Vegas, NV. This is our business. We're gamers and we're tech and internet fanatics. BatRastered has always been working with computers and doing programming. I have always been in customer service. I've also always enjoyed creative writing and making short films. We hope that our unique style of a video game website will keep growing and entertaining you Jimmys in 2012.

Jimmy of the Month January 2011

Shout to the Jimmy of the Month genxsis83!!! Currently ranked #33, he is one of our fastest growing users. He loves to find deals and share them on Gouki.com ... Like Xbox Live for $36!!! Stolen! Arthvader get on that. Remember Xbox Live codes stack. Sorry I got into deals mode. 

genxsis83 go and check out the Gouki Video Game Shop and select any two games you want. 1 of them has to be a $4.20 special. Or you can select any shirt from the GoukiGear Store. Leave a note in the comments below for me.

Again thanks to everyone. Gouki.com Number 1 in the World!

Read last years story - 12 Year Anniversary Story.


Dang that is awesome ^^!! Thanks for the contest and prize. Do you guys still have Arkham City for the 360 that is the only one I am interested in currently ^^ Tell me if that works.

Jan 28, 2012 by genxsis83


Hey GoujiJones I contacted you through twitter was that the best way?
Is there a way I can contact you through this site?

Jan 30, 2012 by genxsis83


Congrats on 13 years..... You have put up with me for 10 of those years and Im glad to be part of the 13% that still call you a friend. Big ups to Batrastard for keeping it together. Gangsta HTML!!!!!!! FnJimmyz keep the pro reviews coming. Don't change a thing you're a natural on camera uhuhmuh4life. Special shout out to Jack Daniels for all the laughs. SPOILER ALERT!!!!!! Team Tbag Pwntober coming soon. Safety meetings make it happen!!!! FREE NIG1!!!!

Jan 30, 2012 by erikestrada


13 years very nice. I know I've enjoyed the site for the last year and plan to be here for plenty more so long as I can keep a PC going. And can't help but see that drop was around when my computer died on me, lol.

Feb 10, 2012 by dragonkiss83

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