Gouki.com 12 Year Anniversary Story

By goukijones — January 27, 2011
Tags: anniversary-story goukimunity news team-gouki

It's been 12 years since Gouki.com first stumbled drunkingly onto the internet. Check out our stats from the last year to the most recent 30 days. And thank you for visiting Gouki.com.

First off, Gouki.com would like to thank all of the users that have been visiting the site for the past 12 years. We would also like to welcome and thank all of the new users that have joined us since our massive relaunch in 2009. Yes, that even includes Kof2012.

Since Gouki.com was a birthday gift to me so many years ago from my excellent friend and co-founder of the new Gouki.com, BatRastered, The 27th of January will always be the anniversary. Over the years the site has been many things. At one point I wrote and uploaded all of the code myself, I didn't have a clue what I was doing. The site showed it too. lol. I tried to cover, movies, tv, video games, comics, local Las Vegas hot spots. None of that worked, I could never keep every section looking mint. At that time, I also had the wise idea to advertise on television. Boy did I have internet marketing all bass ackwards.

A few years later, I moved away from Las Vegas in search of my lost soul and the site drifted into oblivion. Not the game, the void of the internet. Then Xbox Live and Halo 2 came out and changed my world forever, yeah one of those moments. Online FPS with friends from all around the world? Sounds awesome right. The term Jimmy also came from this. Based on one of my best friends Jimmy Roman, you all know him as the incredible FnJimmy. When I played Halo 2, I was killing people that sucked or was being partied up with nuabs, I just started calling everybody Jimmy. It didn't matter, I might as well been playing with Jimmy at that point. Just nameless random pick-up Jimmys.

Then everybody I was playing with started to call me Jimmy and everybody else Jimmy. It quickly became a worldwide phenomenon. I know you saw that Scottish Jimmy running around in the oil commercials screaming "Think with your dipstick Jimmy!" Yeah, they had to ask for the rights to call those Jimmys a Jimmy.

Ok enough nonsense. Here's a look at our growth over the last month.

30,000 Visits. Thank you very much! That's up over 55% since December.
Some of the top pages from the last 30 days:

Now check out the growth from the last 12 months.

139,000 Visits. Awesome! That is an increase of almost 1000% since 2009. The sky is the limit.
Some of the top pages from the last year.

So big thank yous and shout outs to EVERYONE that contributed in anyway to Gouki.com. It's ass railin' time in 2011! Now more than ever ... Don't be a Jimmy!


happy to be apart of gouki.com ^_^

Jan 27, 2011 by blazemanx



Jan 27, 2011 by choke


same over here, cant believe its 12 years old and now i know the origin of "jimmy". and nice blazemanx for having one of the top page views lol, i like the tales series too

Jan 27, 2011 by SonicZero


@soniczero im actually shock by this i wonder why my profile got so many views lol

Jan 27, 2011 by blazemanx



Jan 27, 2011 by choke


im gonna guess your profile picture, ahaha. btw what was your favorite tales game? i have 2, ToV and ToS

Jan 27, 2011 by SonicZero


the titties.

and nice story about "jimmy" good stuff guys :D

Jan 27, 2011 by iorilamia


@soniczero- ToS for me

Jan 27, 2011 by iorilamia


mhmmm just more nostalgic for me, maybe they can make an hd remake or an mmo one so i can play online with friends

Jan 27, 2011 by SonicZero

grey walrus

Tales of Vesperia was my favorite. Played the crap out of that game. Symphonia was also really good though. I'm hoping that Tales of the Abyss for the 3DS makes it over here in america.

Jan 27, 2011 by grey walrus


Hot damn! We're on a roll here! Let's keep this up guys!

Jan 27, 2011 by reipuerto


@sonic- id fucking buy it again, really do love that gam

@grey- ToV was cool, my friend had it, but it made me mad. you know when you LOVE a game so much and the newer version has cool cameos but not the same nostalgic feeling?

btw anyone here play the original Tales games (under a diff tittle)from like a million years ago? i havent :(

Jan 27, 2011 by iorilamia



yeah i have i think it was on the gba, ahaha it was so primal and just bare but i can see they put love into it

Jan 27, 2011 by SonicZero


Number 1 in the world, and you know it.

Jan 27, 2011 by fnjimmy


so that's the origin story of the jimmy

Jan 28, 2011 by shenwoopunch


Wow...can't believe this site's been going for so long! Anyway, I believe you meant 1999, not 2009.

Happy birthday Jimmy and Gouki!

Jan 28, 2011 by jalexbrown


damn you guys are in alaska to whole shit load of page views nice graph and whole shit load of people probably got redirected

Feb 1, 2011 by kof2012


That's what Jimmy came from?

Feb 1, 2011 by aragrist


12 years wow, Gouki has been around as long as half the people on Call of Duty.

Feb 6, 2011 by DragonKiss83

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