Best games from 2009 still being played Jimmy Gems nominees

By goukijones — December 13, 2010
Tags: blog jimmy-gems nominees

2010 Jimmy Gem nominees for best games still being played from 2009. Please comment.


Nobody put more time into Borderlands than BatRastered this year. Borderlands also released 2 DLC's and a patch that raised the level cap. Borderlands is one of the most talked about games on Borderlands catalog page.

Halo Wars 

Personally I played the shit out of this game this year. I love it! According to Raptr I played 119 hours of this. What it doesn't say is that was within a weeks time span. Read the PWN diaries.

Halo 3 [Jan-Sept] 

You gotta be playing some sort of Halo right Jimmy. Halo is's preferred shooter.

Street Fighter IV [Jan-Apr]

"Insert Cinderkin endless battle on endless nights take here."

Winners will be announced December 29th. Did we leave anything out? What's your favorite? Leave a comment below! AND don't forget to vote for your favorites in our Video Game Catalog.


Borderlands Gouki Box Art

Jimmy seal of approval Jimmy Gem Winner

37 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Oct 20, 2009

Buy it! 82% - Rent it! 18% - Flush it! 0%

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