Community Borderlands 2 Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt DLC Launch Trailer
By Arthvader —
January 15, 2013
Gearbox has released a new launch trailer for the recently released Borderlands 2 DLC, Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt. Watch the trailer here.
Heres' the video
I can't wait to start working on this expansion. From what I saw. I really am interested in fighting the new types of enemies that are native to this expansion, such as the savages that acts completely different from the stard enemies, the Boroks, Scaylions and the Spores, as well as any other new enemies that are out there. I can't wait to also get around the place in the vehicle that is exclusive to this particular expansion (The Fanboat). Finally, I do hope that when I find the seraph store within this expansion, I could finally find something that could be of some use (other than the relics that i saw within the previous expansions, seeing as how these could serve a purpose). Hope to see you all in the Borderlands.
Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt is out now for $9.99 (800 MSP), or free with the season pass.
What do you think of this trailer? Leave your comments down in the bottom. Don't Forget to Vote and Share, and Don't be a Jimmy!!!!
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Release Date:
Sep 18, 2012