Community Borderlands 2 Level Cap increase news
By Arthvader —
December 21, 2012
2k has confirmed that the level cap will be raised.
2K games confirmed with IGN that the current Level 50 Cap in Borderlands 2 will be increased withitn the first quarter of the year. At the moment, Gearbox is exploring the fact wether they could place the level cap as part of the next DLC, or incorporate it as a seperate update, and assured that it's being developed in a way that would make players want to play through the entire game again.
Here's Adam Flecher's Tweet about the level cap increase:
Honestly, to me, It would be cool to have the level cap raised. That would mean one thing: MORE SKILL POINTS! that's right, more skill points mean more skills for my characters. All I want to know for sure is how they will incorporate the level cap increase. If it comes with a new difficulty, that will be awesome (as long as not something like a Hardcore mode where if your character dies, it's a perma-death *cough*Diablo 3*cough*, and mostly a mode where the enemies are much more tougher with better AI).
What do you think about this news? Leave your comments down in the bottom. Don't forget the Vote and Share, and Don't be a Jimmy!!!
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Other Sources:
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Sep 18, 2012
Original source.