Brink Update: Get Smart Jimmy! Good Luck. These are The Basics

By goukijones — April 26, 2011
Tags: blithering-blathering blog brink news update video

GoukiJones discusses briefly how Brink has grown since 2009. Just two weeks to go until the release of Brink, we get another look at full on gameplay. Brink is looking to set a NEW STANDARD. If Brink fails, it could be the end of the FPS.

May 10, 2011 will be the release of Brink. Brink is developed by Splash Damage, who made 2 Wolfenstein games, Doom 3 and Quake Wars. Splash Damage has tons of experience making FPS games and whenever I hear Paul Wedgwood talk about Brink, I get real excited. Real excited. The first ever video I saw of Brink was the SMART engine walkthrough video narrated by Paul 2 years ago. There is no combat in the video, Paul just demonstrates how you move around in the Brink. SMART back then meant Smooth Movement Across Random Terrain.

You can read more about that in my original story: Is the SMART engine in Brink the future of FPS

Recently on Machinima interview Paul referred to the SMART engine as Smooth Movement Across Rough Terrain. (@3:17 in the video.) Now I'm just saying here, Rough and Random are two different things. I like the sound of Random more, Rough may not mean as much freedom in the game as I once expected. Granted, Paul could have just slipped up or forgot the name of his engine right? Or, during development Splash Damage just could not do what they wanted to do with the SMART Engine, so they changed the name a little to represent better. Smooth Movement Across Random Terrain sounds like I can go anywhere. "Rough Terrain" not so much. 

Here's that Machinima Interview.

IG Extended: Brink Interview w/ Paul Wedgwood (Splash Damage)

So you want to know about the Get Smart, The Basics. I'm not going to fully describe the video I expect you to watch below, but I'd like to point out a couple of key things that are keeping me hyped up. FYI, I don't care about character customization, I don't care what my guy looks like, I can't see him. The missions and tasks during the game look very exciting, I hope it's a continuous PWNfest. Being able to switch whatever your task is, will keep you thinking, what can you do next. If you look closely in the video you can see a few clips of the SMART engine and it is looking Badass nice. The bottobline is the SMART engine is going to shock people when they first play Brink.  

Brink Get SMART Series: The Basics

Brink's got a lot of hype to live up to with me personally, I've been following the game since 2009. I played it last year at E3 and spoke with Bongo Boy Ed Stern himself. This genre is failing right now, there's no inovation, games and velopers are going backwards. If Brink doesn't show me something new, you can expect my FPS Hiatus. Please leave your comments below and let me know what you think about Brink. I will have it launch day and I will be looking for a party. Don't be a Jimmy!

Brink is also one of those games where the pre-order DLC is different at every retailer. You can read more about that on the Brink Catalog Page. You can also find all our stories about Brink on that page as well.


Brink Gouki Box Art

16 Stories

Release Date: May 10, 2011

Buy it! 15% - Rent it! 38% - Flush it! 46%

[UPDATED] Apr 27, 2011 10:46:44 AM

Apr 27, 2011 by goukijones

Brink Get SMART Series: Objectives

From YouTube: Explore Brink's Objectives in part 2 of the Get SMART series.

Youtube VideoYouTube Video


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