Bulletstorm demo, multiplayer news and Cliffy B shows his face

By goukijones — January 15, 2011
Tags: bulletstorm cliff-bleszinski demo multiplayer news release-date

Cliffy B just couldn't resist putting his face in one of those cool Bulletstorm videos. Demo date confirmed through Twitter. And finally the word on multiplayer and it's not what you would expect.

Bulletstorm demo date confirmed via @danacowley on twitter yesterday. January 25, 2011. We're gonna get the Echoes mode which is, campaign levels that you play solo and compete for high scores against your friends. I'm a little disappointed if I won't be able to experience some of the co-op. Either way though, I will be playing the demo and playing the shit out of it hopefully. Bulletstorm looks like a TON of fun.

In a new Bulletstorm video posted, not included in the Bulletstorm preview I just wrote two days ago.

Bulletstorm Weapons and Anarchy mode - Cliffy B jumps in to take up Tanya Jessen screen time. Sad face. So Cliffy B is all up this video talking about the weapons. I'm exciting about the weapons. I'd be more excited if Tanya Jessen was telling me about them more. Remember that feeling you got throwing the Perfect Dark suitcase gun up against the wall as a turret? Bulletstorm has me interesting in seeing what I can do with their weapons. They all have some very cool concepts and secondary functionalities. The main premise of the game is to just fuck up as much shit as possible at a time and see who can score the most points. 

So now we know, there is nothing traditional about the Bulletstorm multiplayer. There's PvP, but it's only for points. I don't think you will even be playing at the same time. Something similar to racing against your friends times on NFSHP. This is great, for that you can compete with your friends and you don't have to be online at the same time. I just don't think it will have much replay value. The hardcore Gears Jimmys are gonna be screaming that there isn't traditional multiplayer, but that is just not the style of Bulletstorm. Wait for Gears of War 3 ya Jimmy.

And finally I leave you with yet another video about Bulletstorm. Epic has been blowing it out with the promotions and they are all great. Make sure you check out and subscribe to the Epic Games YouTube Channel.

Bulletpoints #4


Bulletstorm Gouki Box Art

20 Stories

Release Date: Feb 22, 2011

Buy it! 31% - Rent it! 62% - Flush it! 8%

This game has me very excited... It's gonna have a hard time living up to all this hype they're putting out though.

BatRastered rated Bulletstorm Rent it
Jan 15, 2011 by BatRastered

grey walrus

I really want to play the demo, but it's gonna have to wait, because that's the same day Dead Space 2 comes out.

grey walrus rated Bulletstorm Rent it
Jan 15, 2011 by grey walrus


I'll try the demo but no Multiplayer wtf.

shenwoopunch has not rated Bulletstorm yet.
Jan 15, 2011 by shenwoopunch


the hype videos are great, the single player better have some rape replay value or long as fuck because the multiplayer isnt their for me

iorilamia rated Bulletstorm Rent it
Jan 15, 2011 by iorilamia


This game is going to suck my wii, I mean balls, I mean fuck this game!

Cinderkin rated Bulletstorm Rent it
Jan 17, 2011 by Cinderkin

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