E3 2010 best of crap and stuff

By goukijones — July 1, 2010
Tags: 2k-games best-of e3-2010 exclusive kinect microsoft mortal-kombat nintendo sony thq ubisoft video

Not your normal best of list, but who really gives a sh....

E3 2010 best of crap and stuff

Most shocking - Mortal Kombat

Best Bar - 2K Games

What the hell happened to the booth babes - Ubisoft

Coolest thing handed to me - Batteries

Press conference ranking

6 being Kinect Cirque garbage and 1 being the best.

6 Kinect

5 Microsoft

4 Ubisoft

3 Sony

2 EA

1 Nintendo

WTF is happening moment - THQ booth explosion

Biggest Jimmy - gametra*lers.com

Best place to get drunk and sleep - Miyako Hotel

Best place to get the internet - Starbucks

Most awesome nickname - Ed "Bongoboy" Stern

Biggest MIA - kinect pricing

What is your best of nonsense? Leave it in the comments below. JIMAH!

Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat Gouki Box Art

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