FFXIV ARR Crafting Cross Class Ability Tier list & Guide

By goukijones — September 11, 2013
Tags: blog gouki-linkshell guide how-to strategy tier-list

With the right cross class abilities you can manipulate HQ items 3-4 levels ahead of you. You can make a ton of money while leveling up. Read my biggest crafting secrets right now. Watch exclusive video of my techniques in always get HQ items.

I'm buying HQ raw materials & HQing them into more HQ materials. Any material that stacks to 99 is my favorite to level up on. For example. I'll make HQ Dew Thread from HQ Diremite Web I purchased at the market place. There's always some random Jimmy that post a couple real cheap. I buy those until I have a stack of like 60+ & I'm ready to craft. 

Here's a look at what I think our the most important crafting cross class abilities in FFXIV. 

#1 Tricks of the Trade (Alchemy)
It randomly gives you 20CP back. You get this to pop 5 times, that's 100 CP back. Spend that extra CP on another Master's Mend & get 3 more chances. 

#2 Careful Synthesis (Weaver)
Guaranteed. This ability guarantees progress. It'll get yuu slightly less progress than Basic Synthesis, but you can figure out what that number is going to be right away & decide where & how to use this ability. Plan you entire synth around Careful Synthesis being the last thing you do.

#3 Rumination (Carpenter)
This ability also gives you CP back & does not cost any durability.
           "Removes Inner Quiet effect and restores CP proportional to the number of times control was increased."
Turn on Inner Quiet immediately. Wait for a chance to use Tricks of the Trade & move on. Watch any of my crafting videos for this technique.

#4 Hasty Touch (Culinarian)
This move will improve quality with no CP. BUT it's 50/50. I'm not sure if Steady Hand effects this ability. Either way, it is the 4th best ability to choose from. Imagine you're down to 17CP & 20 Durability. Use Hasty Touch for the hell of it. It's a free chance to increase quality.

#5 Rapid Synthesis (Armorer)
Just like Hasty Touch, this ability is 50/50. I really don't know what to say about this ability. It might get you out of a jam if you ever miscalculate a synth or make a mistake. It rushes down progress at 250%.

#6 Waste Not (Leatherworker)
This cost 56CP. I don't like anything that costs CP because I only want to use that for Basic Touch.

#7 Manipulation (Goldsmith)
This cost 88CP! Can't use this, Master's Mend & get 3 or more Basic Touchs off.  It just doesn't work. I can't afford that CP.

#8 Ingenuity (Blacksmith)
             "Lowers recipe level to current level for the next five steps."
I'm already HQing stuff 4-5 levels ahead of me. You can't do stuff 10 levels ahead of you, so why would you ever need this?

Check out my crafting videos coming soon.

Weaver Level 21-23 HQ Diremite web into HQ Dew Thread
Goldsmith ...
Carpentry ...

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