Community Meet The last Skullgirls character: Double

By Arthvader — March 28, 2012
Tags: psn skullgirls video xbla

Let's get to know more about this final revealed character.

     Even though she was announced a while back, Double was confirmed as the last character in Skullgirls. In my opinion, she is by far one of the most weirdest character I've seen for this game. She is pretty much a shapeshifting character that borrows moves from the rest of the characters.

Here's her Bio from the official site:

Double’s origins are a complete mystery. Seemingly without a will or motive of its own, this formless monster aids the Skullgirl.

Double is capable of transforming its nightmarish form into that of any person, but often appears as a smiling nun. It can frequently be found in the Grand Cathedral of the Divine Trinity, listening to confessions and attending to the catacombs beneath.

As well as her Essential Data:

Age: Unknown

Birthday: Unknown

Blood Type: All/None

Height: Varies

Weight: Varies

Measurements: Varies

Likes: Nothing

Dislikes: Nothing


Here's a couple of  Walkthrough videos for your Viewing  Pleasure:


I'm going to think about trying her out a little bit, just to see if she could be a potential character for me to potentially use in the future. What characters would you probably try out?


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Release Date: Apr 11, 2012

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