Official Brink Blowout Tuesday 5/10/2011 Team Gouki Style

By goukijones — May 5, 2011
Tags: blog brink news pwnfest team-gouki video

The UPS man should be here around 11am on Tuesday. That's right, I have games delivered to my doorstep. Save gas Jimmy. Brink Blowout Tuesday 5/10/2011 Xbox Live, Don't be a Jimmy!

Again and again I continue to express my hype for this game. Splash Damage has been releasing these slick How To Play this game videos for the last couple of weeks. Each one is an in depth look at the many different things brink as to offer. Going back to my lastest Rage story, compared to a video like this Brink video below, WTF does Rage have to offer? Pretty water dripping effects? (Arms spread out like WTF)

Brink lets you switch classes at any time AND when you're switching classes Brink tells you how many of each class is on your team. Brilliant, that's just one of the many things that stood out to me while watching this video. I really can not wait to get into this game and test out all of this stuff and of course see if it's fun. That's the important part right?

Brink Get SMART Series: The Battlefield

Now with all that stuff out the way, lets talk about partying up. I don't play with Jimmys, I play to win, I don't have my notifications on so don't expect quick responses from me. When I'm PWNn I'm PWNn. Been PWNn, since before PWNn was PWNn. Ok, that's enough. If you wanna play, send me a message on Xbox Live. You can find my gamertag in my profile on Nnnnnnnnnnnnnuab!



Brink Gouki Box Art

16 Stories

Release Date: May 10, 2011

Buy it! 15% - Rent it! 38% - Flush it! 46%

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