Street Fighter SDCC 2010 panel Ono-chin VS Harada SFxT video

By goukijones — July 28, 2010
Tags: exclusive news pictures preview sdcc2010 video

Street Fighter on the 3DS, New Super Street Fighter IV DLC, Darkstalkers IV teased, More SSF4 characters to come? AND STREET FIGHTER X TEKKEN!!

Outside while we waited in line we were so lucky to be entertained by some bad ass Street Fighter Cosplay.

Juri and Chun Li cosplay

And check out this Gouki!!

FNJimmy as Gouki SDCC 2010 Capcom booth

Here's how I remember it ... Ono-chin got right into talking about the new DLC for Super Street Fighter IV which is just new/old costumes. For example the Chun Li Alpha sweat pants are back. Blanka has some seriously ridiculous looking shit on. You can find better pictures on the net, but this is a picture I took.

Super Street Fighter IV DLC

I may recall things out of order. At one point Ono-chin teases about Darkstalkers again. He asks everyone to pull out some money and hold it up in the air. He took a picture and told everyone that he was going to show it to the head Jimmys in charge back in Japan. "See people are ready to pay for Darkstalkers." He joked. I hope you follow Ono-chin on twitter he has one of the best accounts. @yoshi_onochin

Then there was talk of the Super Street Fighter IV 3DS version. Which looks amazing and I won't play. There isn't much for me to comment on here. What about the Super Street Fighter IV arcade release? I don't know who is saying what and what we are exactly talking about on stage, because I know like two words in Japanese so I think I can speak it. What am I talking about here ... I believe that Ono-chin was hinting that  NEW characters will be in the arcade release. Which if this is true, it only means that another inevitable Street Fighter IV will be coming to the home consoles sometime. It's inevitable.

One of the characters already announced is Birdie. j/k

Then on the screen in front of the room the words "Here comes a new challenger!" pops up and the lights go out.

Then from out of nowhere a crazy man in the back of the room is screaming in Japanese. Throwing copies of Tekken 6 for the Xbox 360 and PS3 across the room. Aiming for Jimmys dressed in Street Fighter costumes. The lights come on and my eyes jump over to the goofy white guy who starts translating the Japanese. Oh it's Harada, the Tekken Jimmy and his translator that pronounced EVO "EV-VO" Nubfarm!

Ono-chin VS Harada

So yes, Ono and Harada are good friends. Their shenanigans went on for over 45 minutes at EVO earlier this month. They are both very theatrical as well. They both dressed the same with the robes although Ono claimed he just woke up late. I don't know what these crazy Japanese guys are up to. They do make incredible games. And then Ono-chin announced Street Fighter X Tekken. Yes "X!" It means cross, I think. He continued to blow everybody's mind and said he had a playable copy of Street Fighter X Tekken. Just watch my video below. Prepare to be amazed.

Did you notice RYU almost has an expression like "C'mon really?" When he sees Kazuya. Kazuya makes a face too, but RYU thinks this is a joke. The graphics are beautiful and the tag partner element is always a crazy gameplay design. Ono insisted that this was a live play, but I'm just saying it could have been a video. As set up as everything was there were still on stage. Either way we won't be seeing this game probably for a couple of years. Expect the next serious update E3 2010 E3 2011. Now play me in Super Street Fighter IV!!

Street Fighter X Tekken

SFxT Gouki Box Art

74 Stories

Release Date: Mar 6, 2012

Buy it! 44% - Rent it! 33% - Flush it! 22%

You mean E3 2011 right? Anyways this shit was hot stuff. I can't wait I'm just that much of a fan of fighting games.

My 360 doesn't work anymore :( so I won't be playing Super or anything until I can get a replacement.

Cinderkin has not rated Street Fighter X Tekken yet.
Jul 29, 2010 by Cinderkin


me: I hate comic-con fanboys
like, the amount of "oohs" and "aahs" during that SF x Tekken video
Kazuya throws Ryu "OOOOOOOH"

Erik: lol it is out of control
my favorite part is the crowd

me: Ryu throws the 5th fireball of the match

Erik: and IM drunk!

me: "he's allowed to throw more than 4 fireballs!"
"yes, it's like that every game"
or like kazuya jumps in and gets shoryu'd
like I'd hope they didnt remove that
the only acceptable times to ooh
are when you first realize it's kazuya and this is a tekken vs sf
then when it pans out and you see it's SF style, not that bastard tekken style
then when you see the first tag team super
that's it
every other ooh and aah is uncalled for

Erik: lol write a story about it

choke has not rated Street Fighter X Tekken yet.
Jul 29, 2010 by choke


Just play it yo.

fnjimmy has not rated Street Fighter X Tekken yet.
Jul 30, 2010 by fnjimmy


You were probably the one screaming "holy shit" after Ryu shoryuken'd Kazuya out of the air.

choke has not rated Street Fighter X Tekken yet.
Jul 31, 2010 by choke


such a long wait for this game......

shenwoopunch has not rated Street Fighter X Tekken yet.
Dec 6, 2010 by shenwoopunch

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