Street Fighter X Tekken GEM System Update Pictures & Video

By goukijones — December 14, 2011
Tags: news screenshots street-fighter-x-tekken video

Capcom has informed me that there is a ton of new info on Street Fighter X Tekken today. 34 NEW Screenshots. Street Fighter X Tekken looking like a full on anime right now. Also check out this 20 min video about the gems and how they work.

Personally, I don't know what to think about this game. The Tekken Jimmys really don't do anything for me. I read that the Tekken characters don't feel like Tekken characters, but they don't feel like the Street Fighters in the game either. They are something else. So no 10 hit combos? Not hype.

Then you got these new screenshots. Pretty cool looking. I don't know anything about these gems except that some people think they should be banned already. I like the aspect of the gems being strategic. Jimmys just afraid they gonna be out smarted. And they probably will. 

34 New screenshot of Street Fighter X Tekken

From Capcom

A total of 57 GEMs (5 Assist and 52 Boost) come standard in Street Fighter X Tekken. Players have the ability to equip three different GEMs that improve upon weaknesses or capitalize on strengths to enhance their inherent play style. The two types of GEMs, Assist and Boost, each have specific advantages and disadvantages.

Players can select any combination of the Assist GEMs, which provide helpful bonuses that are always activated but balanced by handicaps in other areas. Conversely, Boost GEMs provide a stat increase in one of five areas (attack, defense, speed, cross gauge, vitality) but require a specific condition to be met in order to be activated. As an example, a particular speed Boost GEM will be activated automatically after a player blocks 2-3 stringed attacks from their opponent. As GEMs are assigned prior to a match, the activation conditions for the Boost GEMs are hidden from opponents, promoting an element of surprise that requires players to think and act quickly.

Iron Curtain Pack

Collector's Edition

*36 GEM Power-Ups: Includes the World Warrior, Iron Curtain, Lightning Legs and Special Edition Exclusive King of Iron Fist Gem packs for a total of 36 to customize your playing style.

Street Fighter X Tekken on has even more exclusive Gems. Gotta catch 'em all

Now watch Andrea Rena talk with Matt Dahlgren Senior Product Manager at Capcom. *They don't get into the Gem system until 3:57.

What's the hype for Street Fighter X Tekken on Gouki? I wonder. Does this game have top tier EVO competition potential? Or do we have another Tekken 6 or Mortal Kombat on our hands.

Street Fighter X Tekken

SFxT Gouki Box Art

74 Stories

Release Date: Mar 6, 2012

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