Community Super Street Fighter Freakin 4 AE!

By Nahnners — May 15, 2011
Tags: blog ssf4-ae

I love street fighter, but I have my issues..

So SSF4AE is coming out June 7th. I am very excited to see my main characters get buffed (Makoto, Gouken). That being said, why is it that we get 4 more male characters who are mostly the same? I am willing to pay 15 bucks just to get the buffs for my characters, but c'mon! I am basically paying for broken character fixes (which is definitely bs, but what else can I do?) If I could have a minute with Capcom I would have to ask why they charge their poor loyal fans over and over?

Oh well I'm hooked! Nothing can be done...

Super Street Fighter IV

Super Street Fighter IV Gouki Box Art

Jimmy seal of approval Jimmy Gem Winner

177 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Apr 27, 2010

Buy it! 84% - Rent it! 7% - Flush it! 7%

[UPDATED] May 16, 2011 1:28:10 AM

May 16, 2011 by goukijones

Next time use tags "blog, ssf4-ae"



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